Playa del Carmen or Cozumel

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Irvine, CA USA
I'm planning a trip to Mexico. We're currently planning it to Cozumel, but I read some stuff on Playa del Carmen today and am wondering which is better for diving. I know that they are very close, but I would like to find a hotel where the better diving is, and probably take the ferry to the other.

Please post your opinions on which is better for diving.
I've dove Playa a couple of times and did not like it nearly as well as Cozumel. Guess I'm prejudice since I've been to Cozumel 14 times and just bought a house there.

Diversity of reefs.
Swim throughs
Eagle rays
Very advanced to beginner sites.
Big sponges and corals
And yes a big wreck
Plenty of places to eat and the people are very friendlly
Lots of shopping and virtually no crime.

Take the ferry over to Playa and make a day trip.
The reefs off PDC are not very impressive. They can't hold a candle to Coz. However, if you like cenote diving, then PDC is the place.

My $ .02 Barracuda2
No doubt, Cozumel is better...BUT...Playa is close to Cenotes, diving near Akumal is really good, its not crowded diving, dives are 50 - 70 feet, and there isn't much current. If you have "other reasons" to go to Playa, its worth it. The ferry ride either way is no biggie.
I like the Playa side better overall for beaches, activities, hotels, ruins, and general vacation niceties, but as divers, we go to Cozumel nowdays.
Jim Baldwin:
I've dove Playa a couple of times and did not like it nearly as well as Cozumel. Guess I'm prejudice since I've been to Cozumel 14 times and just bought a house there.

Diversity of reefs.
Swim throughs
Eagle rays
Very advanced to beginner sites.
Big sponges and corals
And yes a big wreck
Plenty of places to eat and the people are very friendlly
Lots of shopping and virtually no crime.

Take the ferry over to Playa and make a day trip.

......this says it all.

No doubt, Cozumel is better...BUT...Playa is close to Cenotes, diving near Akumal is really good, its not crowded diving, dives are 50 - 70 feet, and there isn't much current. If you have "other reasons" to go to Playa, its worth it. The ferry ride either way is no biggie.
I like the Playa side better overall for beaches, activities, hotels, ruins, and general vacation niceties, but as divers, we go to Cozumel nowdays.

It was a lot of fun, pretty good diving, but you got to go to Cozumel to understand how great the diving is there. Akumal's reefs are in better shape, but Coz.'s has soo many different types of diving you will have a blast.

Do Playa (yawn) or Akumal at a later date.


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