Planning help - Costa Rica trip in summer '08

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La Jolla, Ca
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200 - 499
We are considering a trip to Costa Rica next summer, and greatly appreciate all of the great information posted in this forum. A few additional questions:

1. Where to stay. I travel alot on business, and have accumulated a good number of Hilton Points. According to their web site, the all inclusive Costa Rica All Inclusive Resorts, Hotels - Fiesta near Puntarenas will become a Doubletree property in January 2008 Doubletree Resort Hotel Puntarenas Costa Rica - El Roble CR Resort Hotels. While it would be nice to save our limited budget for diving and other adventures, the location does not appear to be very practical from a dive perspective, and it sounds like there are some very good hotel and meal values closer to the action.
UPDATE: Just noticed that another all inclusive property, under the same management near Guanacaste All Inclusive Hotels and Resorts in Guanacaste Costa Rica - Fiesta Premier will become a Hilton at the end of the year as well
Hilton Papagayo Resort Costa Rica - Hotel Home. The current hotel offers dive trips through Resort Divers.

2. Timing. Our work schedules current allow a week sometime between the end of June and middle of August, and our wedding anniversary is in early August. Based on what I have read about the Green Season, we may be better off going later than sooner.

Thanks in advance for your advise!
Puntarenas is not the place to spend your vacation topside. It is a big city by Costa rican standards. I spent a couple of nights there once and had a good time, but, it is not what you go to Costa Rica for....Although I didn't have any trouble there, I was warned of crime in that city.
Guanacaste would definately be a better choice.
As far as the weather and timing goes, Guanacaste is the "dry" area of C.R....They don't get as much rain as further east.
Thanks, dashark.

If we will be in CR for 6 nights, and it is our first visit, should we use our points and spend them all at Guanacaste, or spend some cash and move around a bit?
moving around isn't real easy down there. It is a small country on a map, but, the roads can be difficult at best. for 6 nights, I would concentrate on 1 area and enjoy it. Guanacaste or otherwise.
I spent some time down in drakes bay when I was there. very mellow. good diving off the coast at cano island. And they take you to corcovado national park by panga. Corcovado is probably the most beautiful area in the country. And Cano is one of the better dive spots without going to cocos. I believe you can get there from other areas in C.R., but, it is a long bumpy boat ride. Drakes bay is basically right there.
I'm sure you will enjoy wherever you go. Guancaste is definately convenient for such a short trip.
I just got back from Costa Rica we moved all over the place, one of my work partners Bill Beard Costa Rica made it easy to get around for if you book the tours thru them the transfers are included which makes things much easier to leave the driving to someone else. You should be able to do most of the tours from the same area some of the transfers may be a little long but the view is great thru the counrty side.

Costa Rica Scuba Diving Adventure Tours, Travel, Dive Trips, Trip I would be glad to help make the arrangements for you using Bill Beard's operation/services. We do not charge any fees its the same price as Bill Beard's we are working partners. :)
That would be another argument for staying at that resort in Guanacaste. They probably offer a wide array of tour packages.
If you want to go for diving and a little sight seeing, come to Playas del Coco.
there are all kinds of hotels around, I would suggest reserve. The Diving is great here and Liberia is close by so you have easy road trips to the canopy tours, jungle, volcano. There are a lot of 1 day tours organized from here.
Have fun and enjoy CR, it's a super country.,
check out CRDP, the Association of Costa Rica Dive Professionals. We make Costa Rica a safe dive destination.

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