Pilot Whales

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Roatan, Parrot Tree Plantation
We always have our VHF radios on because a lot of our friends use them here instead of cell phones. Yesterday I heard somebody announcing to anybody that was listening that they could see a bunch of dive boats and a sailboat following what they thought were Whale Sharks. We jumped in our panga and headed out to check it out. What we found was a big pod of Pilot Whales. Tim and I took turns jumping in to snorkel with them. They were amazing, like HUGE dolphins but with a rounded melon head like a beluga. I was only nervous once when I was with a Mom and Baby, the Mom sounded and Baby didn't follow her, it stayed up to have a closer look at me. I was praying that Mom didn't think I was a danger to her calf! We were in deep blue water so when she sounded I couldn't see her at all, there were just a few bubbles coming up to the surface. The baby started chattering at me and pinging me with sonar. I was clapping my hands and mimicking the noises through my snorkel. It was MAGICAL!!!




The rest of the photos are here:

pilot whales

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