Lovely pics all around Wardric, especially for dives in challenging conditions as you stated poor vis at times, current, speedy gonzales DM
I have to say that the series of sponges and gorgonians are
superb, you really captured the inner beauty of this vase sponge here.
As I said before, think you're doing well, getting close, filling the frame, I note that in some of your photos it seems that the flash didn't fire? and everything looks washed out.
Example...,again that can easily be remedied.
The blenny shots are great, I prefer this one though as the angle is shooting upwards and slightly to the side, giving a sort of profile view to the blenny and it's habitat (coral).
Maybe you could have got closer? Doubt that would have been possible without touching the coral, in any case I think if you cropped the pic a little, it would have more impact.
Great photos all around, you've obviously made a lot of progress and more is to come i'm sure, so keep at it
As to the img code, click on this link
Directly below the picture is the 'forum code' and above the 'EXIF information' is the img/forum code, copy and paste that in your posts if you want the pics to appear in the post as opposed to all attached the end.
P.S., what an awful transistion it must be from Cuba to Canada