pics from Sipadan

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I just got back from Sipadan (a small Malaysian island just off the coast of Borneo). I dove around Siapdan, Mabul and Kapalai islands.
I use Olympus C4040 with Ikelite Housing, Ikelite DS 125 strobe, Inon WAL (UWL-100) and Inon Macro lens (UCL-165).



I think I hate you! :whack: :wink:

Great photos! :thumb:
Thanks for all the compliment.
Dee, you should see pictures taken by another guy in my group. He used an Oly C4040 with PT-010 housing, same inon macro lens and nothing else. His pictures were so much better than mine and left me green with envy:gator:
Guess I still have a long way to go.
Anyhow, a few more pics for you!



What's the last one? A Cuttlefish?

What program are you using? Did you use auto fix on it? There's a bit too much red in the black areas and on the coral behind the Cuttlefish. I've done that.

I'm using PSElements and have just discovered the variations feature. It gives a better result than the auto settings. Try it and let me know what you think.
The last pic is the ornate cuttlefish or flamboyant cuttlefish. Got the name from a book and also from the DM. It is supposed to be quite rare and showed up in Sipadan a couple of months of the year. Unfortunately I only saw one, right at the beginning of the check dive. In fact it was the first subject I shot during the trip. I think I misaimed the strobe in every shot :(
Anyhow, thanks for the tip for photoshop, I have a full version of it. Not that I even know how to use most of the features yet.
anyhow, hope this is an improvement.


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