Pics From Coz Trip With Propjoe And Aldora Divers March 2016

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Looks like a good thread to ask this question! We are taking a group of first timers to Coz next month. On an off-diving day I want to take them on bar-hopping tour of the wild side. Was wondering if anybody knows of a van / driver service that we can rent with a DD to take us on this tour. I've done the Coz Bar-hop bus tour before but was interested in getting a smaller vehicle with a driver that can accomodate 6 peeps. Thanks!
Just about any cab driver can do it. With 6 you will want a taxi van, which are plentiful on the island. We cab around for a couple of days, and when we get a driver we really like, we ask him. We have never had a driver turn us down.

We set up a day and time and the driver comes to our hotel, picks us up, takes us from beach club to beach club, waits for as long as we want to stay there (the waiters and cabbies all know each other and some places feed the drivers for free), and bring us home around sunset. It's great.
Just about any cab driver can do it. With 6 you will want a taxi van, which are plentiful on the island. We cab around for a couple of days, and when we get a driver we really like, we ask him. We have never had a driver turn us down.

We set up a day and time and the driver comes to our hotel, picks us up, takes us from beach club to beach club, waits for as long as we want to stay there (the waiters and cabbies all know each other and some places feed the drivers for free), and bring us home around sunset. It's great.

Ggunn - I really appreciate the reply, thanks. What is a fair price for the entire day?
Ggunn - I really appreciate the reply, thanks. What is a fair price for the entire day?
We usually pay something like US$15 per person, IIRC, and we tip. I don't normally tip cab drivers, but this is a different deal.

We usually go to dinner in a group, so we see a lot of taxi grandes (taxi vans). We strike up conversations with the drivers and when we find a guy we like, we ask him about the excursion. We have never encountered a driver who didn't know exactly what we want to do or was unwilling to do it. They have always showed up on time on the day agreed upon. I'll never be the designated driver again.
Sallye would you be so kind as to PM this gent Ricardo's number? Heck maybe even post it here if he's okay with it? I'm high and dry here in Figeac and would love to ask him myself...
Ricardo will treat you right. Large newer van with AC (if you like).
Have fun. Drink lots O water too. Be aware of a rip if you jump in the water make room for more Margarita's. Bring a kite. Boogie board can be fun over there, but you need fins in order to catch the wave.

Looks like a good thread to ask this question! We are taking a group of first timers to Coz next month. On an off-diving day I want to take them on bar-hopping tour of the wild side. Was wondering if anybody knows of a van / driver service that we can rent with a DD to take us on this tour. I've done the Coz Bar-hop bus tour before but was interested in getting a smaller vehicle with a driver that can accomodate 6 peeps. Thanks!
Ricardo - 987-100-4089
Juan - 987-101-0786
Both speak excellent English, are friendly and reliable, and drive nice taxi vans. They're happy to give you island information and suggestions on your tour, if you like.

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