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Start inhaling (but thanks for a toast for this coming new years party)

stress....go and force relax or drop everything and do nothing?
Go and force relaxation. I'm sure it has something to do with my profession, but I think BEST when I am stressed.

You are MILDLY underweighted on a dive. Do you get more lead or jack-knife dive below the surface?
I used to jack-knife dive, because I liked to be "weighted" at depth, but the 3 minute safety stop was proving to be problematic. Now, I use a little more weight to hold me down: more weight.

Do you wear a hood and gloves when the water temp is in the 60's?
Historically, just gloves. But I am quickly turning to the hood/glove side. My change of heart is out of desperation as I'm eager to dive despite the weather.

Do you get seasick while boating diving?
Oh yes, but not always - it depends on how rough the seas are. I'm ok if I don't really pay much attention to it: if I start concentrating on something, it hits.

Get up early to go fishing, or stay and wait for breakfast?
Breakfast first...or at least COFFEE!

Diving without current: do you take a safety sausage or not?
None, but they'd make a good pelican roost - just watch for "splatter" :rofl3:

There's a big shark coming your way,and your buddy doesnt see it yet ... do you, give the "i'll be right back" signal and swim off, or let them know?
It would depend on the buddy arrangement. If we were tight buddies, I would alert him/her.

However, most of my dive buddies are as comfortable being solo as I am and our buddy groups are quite loose...more of just an appeasement to the DM. In this case, I would say "See ya!" and go find my shark!

Same ?
Me and the shark would start to communicate - I believe it might be possible with the right timing of movements and posturing (silly I know) ... i'd alert my buddy. I mostly dive solo also, with others around. Just how to get their attention at a distance i'm not sure given my current gear.

If the shark is coming too close too quickly to intercept, would you head up to the surface or down to bottom?
Surface...just in case the shark thinks I look tasty. I would rather be shallow and half-eaten than deep and half-eaten.

Tank banger or use your knife to hit your tank?

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