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I love BBQ but am ashamed to admit I'm not sure which I like beef or pork ribs -- I think beef

memphis style or texas style
Memphis style for pork ribs; Texas style for beef ribs, but overall prefer pork ribs and Memphis style.

Sensidyne (I'm a very sensitive guy!)

Butter on your popcorn or no butter?
Butter Baby - extra Butter! (are you getting the I'm not eating healthy vibe yet?)

green beans or corn
Corn (yeah, the image of you doing all those sprints with chocolate on your mouth, PopTart crumbs on your shirt, and extra butter dribbling down your chin is amusing).

In light of that, diet, or love yourself as you are?
I am unashamedly not concerned about my body type . . so no diets and I only workout because I like to eat good wholesome stuff like brownies, sundaes, poptarts and every once in a while twinkies!! Long ago decided God made me the way I am for reason . . might as well not fight it.

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cats or dogs

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