Photos from Pulau Weh, Aceh, and Kalimantan Borneo!

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Some nice pics in your site...
but hey, I looked at your Mabul pics : who's crazy enough to put his finger next to a blue ring octopus! Do you know it is deadly, if it even licks the hand ... :shocked2:
Kids : don't do this at home. :)

Isn't what you call "uncharted Kalimantan" Kakaban (the well known lake full of jellyfish) and Sangalakki (Manta rays)?
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Hey Nick

I am cruising back to P Weh in Decmeber and would love to know which dive sites you saw the strippy little pipefish with the red tail and the robust ghost pipefish (I think its the robus??)?


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Luko: yeah wasn't me. The local bajau gypsy kids caught it and an instructor friend of mine from the neighboring shop decided to show them he was even crazier.

almitch: The robust and the pipes (as are most of my pulau weh shots) are from our house reef here on Gapang beach. (I'm with Lumba Lumba divers) I am going to load some new shots soon, but I found a new reef waaaay out in the sand, so far we have an undescribed octo, 5 thorny seahorses, tons of nudibranches (with emperor shrimp riding on top) and a juvenile mimic octopus. I'm about to head out again later today!

and yes my kalimantan shots are from Derawan (pygmys), Kakaban (jellyfish lake) and kakaban (mantas). I love those islands and am biding my time until my triumphant return.
Jeeze... the nudi with the Emperor shrimp is amazing, I had never sawn them on this nudi specie, usually they're on orangy ceratosoma sp., here it's a blue one! Crazy! :confused:

Are you working for LL, Nick? I was wondering on going to Weh and probably spend 3/4 days on Gapang and another 3/4 days on the other beach east of Weh : how is it for non diving partners? Which place in Weh would you recommend more (I don't care about price, I mean I know I can afford everything available in Weh. Probably not in other places, I prefer something comfortable with a nice baach for my wife and daughter... :wink:).
What about chrstmas or august time? Are they ok regarding weather and sea?
Hi NicK
That's brilliant. Love that nudi pic with the shrimp. Will definitely be heading your way soon.
I would also be interested to know what the diving is like in Dec?
We were there in April and the viz was 30-40m!! It was amazing!
Yeah lending a hand @ lumba lumba on gapang. October, nov dec are our rainy season, so vis has dropped from 30-40 to 20-30. Still good compared to my previous jobs @ mabul and perhentians, but the real treat is that in this season the water temp starts dropping the the pelagics start visiting the reefs. Mola mola, thresher sharks, mantas, devil rays, and whale sharks. I saw a school of 10 devil rays off the beach about a week ago. This new site we found with the macro is just blowing me away though, cant get enough.

To me Gapang beach is the more family friendly beach, LL has nice western style bungalows which are quite comfortable. Iboih is the backpacker beach, so worth a look.

hope that helps.
20-30m will do and I would love to see a few bigger fisheees!
In April we saw very few pelagics. In fact all I can remember seeing were a few Blue Fin Travellies. BUT everything else was great.
What is the water temp in Dec??

We have been staying with Mars at Casa Nemo on Tiga Beach which is small and comfy, the way we like it.
Are you keeping your new site a secret?? Or do the other operators know about it? Would love to do one or two, chilled out, good macro dives to escape the current.
The site isn't a secret per say, it's just we're on the only shop on this beach so no one has asked. If you drop by gapang ask for me and i'll take you to see them. We now have 6 thorny seahorses and tons of nudibranches down there, worth a look!

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