Phoenix local scene

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Phoenix, AZ
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0 - 24
Hey everybody!

My wife and I are looking for a group to get acquinted with to get involved in the local scene. We are pretty new to diving. I'm certified with 8 dives and my wife is certifying as I type this but also has about a half a dozen dives.

So far we have yet to dive locally and have only dove Cozumel and the Bahamas, and will be doing Maui in about 2 weeks for 10 more already scheduled dives:eyebrow:

However, we'd like to get more experience and while not necesarilly looking forward to lake diving we still want to do it and do some trips to the California coast as well as learn more about semi local Sea of Cortez diving.

BTW, we also have a boat as well so would like info on a good local group to get involved with.

People are always going to the lake, particularly in the summer. If you post on the "Diving Lake Pleasant" stickied thread a couple days in advance, you'll be sure to have some people to meet at the lake.
Obviously, diving in Lake Pleasant is a far cry from diving in the ocean. However, what it does offer is a great opportunity to practice your skills. It's been my experience that open water ocean diving is alot easier, and much more fun, if you've got the basics down pat and you're not fumbling with the equipment. Like any other sport, you become a better diver through expereince.

There's a group at the lake just about every weekend. Also, night diving season is quickly approaching. Keep an eye on the postings.

Regards, Bill
Hey everybody!

My wife and I are looking for a group to get acquinted with to get involved in the local scene. We are pretty new to diving. I'm certified with 8 dives and my wife is certifying as I type this but also has about a half a dozen dives.

So far we have yet to dive locally and have only dove Cozumel and the Bahamas, and will be doing Maui in about 2 weeks for 10 more already scheduled dives:eyebrow:

However, we'd like to get more experience and while not necesarilly looking forward to lake diving we still want to do it and do some trips to the California coast as well as learn more about semi local Sea of Cortez diving.

BTW, we also have a boat as well so would like info on a good local group to get involved with.


Welcome! Like Bill said, there is almost always somebody diving at the lake. I go almost every Saturday. You just missed some of the greatest visibility Lake Pleasant has offered in some time. Yesterday it was pretty good (30 feet or so) between 45' and 80'. Above 45' vis was 15-20 feet. Below 80' it ranged anywhere from 10 feet to the other side of your mask.

We just came back from diving near Ventura, CA on the Spectre. The kelp diving was cool...literally. 57 degrees cool.

Let us know when you want to meet at the lake. There are several good dive sites as well as the Scubateer's dive boat.

Dive Safe,

Hey all, thanks for the replies and the dive report!

Agreed, lake diving is perfect for practicing skills so we're down for that to. Besides, with our boat when we're all out of air we can wakeboard, surf, or Skyski:D so we look forward to meeting other divers that share the same interests to hang out with.

We're also really looking forward to getting involved with a group to do organized trips. Suggestions?

My wife is doing her open water certs this weekend at Lake Pleasant, I was thinging I might go out as well to get wet before leaving next week. Unfortunately I can't take the boat this weekend but wouldn't mind meeting up with others. Which brings me to my next point. We have yet to buy BC's, regs or tanks, can anyone recommend a good place to rent and get fills? I'd like to establish a relationship with a good local shop so recommendations would be appreciated. We live at Happy Valley and I17 and work at 9th St and Bell if that helps.

If you can make it to the meet and greet this Friday night you will get an opportunity to meet other divers who share the same passion. You will meet people who dive both locally and in more exciting locals. Either way chances are you will be able to network to get feedback on different dive destinations. John (Academy of Scuba) puts together a real reasonable SoCal liveaboard trip over to Catalina you may want to look in to.

As already mentioned, don't right off Lake Pleasant for diving. While the viz is not as stellar as it was earlier this spring the lake can still be fun. Always a treaure to be found and usually some interesting fish sightings. When the water warms up in the middle of summer, night diving is alot of fun.

One final thought. If you have a nice boat, particularily if constucted of fiberglass, you might want the reconsider its use as a dive boat. While scuba is weightless and graceful underwater, on the shore the ensemble of equipment is heavy, akward and clumsy. Weights and tanks always win while gelcoat and vinyl upholstery always looses. Just something to consider.

We live at Happy Valley and I17 and work at 9th St and Bell if that helps.

Scuba Specialities, Tres Aguas, and AZ Divers are all within a couple miles of your workplace. Sport Chalet is the closest shop to your house. Look at the "Arizona LDS" sticky for addresses. AZ Divers isn't on that list yet, but its address is on the "News about Oasis" thread.
If you can make it to the meet and greet this Friday night you will get an opportunity to meet other divers who share the same passion. You will meet people who dive both locally and in more exciting locals. Either way chances are you will be able to network to get feedback on different dive destinations. John (Academy of Scuba) puts together a real reasonable SoCal liveaboard trip over to Catalina you may want to look in to.

As already mentioned, don't right off Lake Pleasant for diving. While the viz is not as stellar as it was earlier this spring the lake can still be fun. Always a treaure to be found and usually some interesting fish sightings. When the water warms up in the middle of summer, night diving is alot of fun.

One final thought. If you have a nice boat, particularily if constucted of fiberglass, you might want the reconsider its use as a dive boat. While scuba is weightless and graceful underwater, on the shore the ensemble of equipment is heavy, akward and clumsy. Weights and tanks always win while gelcoat and vinyl upholstery always looses. Just something to consider.


Unfortunately this Friday is my son's birthday and he wants to go to some Brazilian steakhouse, so while I had noticed that there was a M&G, we can't make it. I noticed there was also one Thursday night with AZscuba I think it was.

Yeah, your point is good on the boat situation and something I had given thought to. I wouldn't mind using it for ourselves and another couple but that would be about it. It has pretty large lockers in the rear for gear right next to the swim deck so no need to haul that equipment any further into the boat. We just put a blanket over the back when we're handling ackward pieces of equipment like a Skyski for example (3 foot long big metal blade..yikes) so I appreciate the heads up.

Scuba Specialities, Tres Aguas, and AZ Divers are all within a couple miles of your workplace. Sport Chalet is the closest shop to your house. Look at the "Arizona LDS" sticky for addresses. AZ Divers isn't on that list yet, but its address is on the "News about Oasis" thread.

Thanks, I had actually read that thread and while I know there was a thread war on here some time ago that I wasn't looking to start again I also know that some places are better than others. For example, I can tell you which boat and motorcycle dealerships to frequent and which to avoid from previous personal experiences. I was just hoping to shorten that learning curve as there is typically a prefered shop or 2 by enthusiasts and I prefer to do business with those that also involve themselves with the community, sponsor functions....... Sport Chalet is actually who my wife is certifying through and they are fine but they're a chain, we're not looking for that kind of relationship, we want a good family owned shop that we become familiar with and they get to know us as well.

While we maybe a "Chain" we are the largest dive facility in Arizona. Strange that your
wife is taking classes at Sport Chalet the way you want to deal with a family shop
While we maybe a "Chain" we are the largest dive facility in Arizona. Strange that your
wife is taking classes at Sport Chalet the way you want to deal with a family shop

As I said we are just getting started in this sport, Sport Chalet is close and convienent. Not being familiar with any other facilities it was a logical choice. Not bashing it, debating it, or otherwise. I was mearly stating my personal preference, I think I'm entitled to that.

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