Hi All,
I am a first time poster. Please delete if this breaks any rules or if I’ve posted this in the wrong place.
I had a PFO closure done 3+ weeks ago due to multiple “undeserved” DCS hits with conservative profiles and other conservative measures. They found I had a small PFO (moderate sized when doing Valsalva) and I opted to get the PFO closed to help mitigate DCS risk as well as to reduce stroke risk since I have blood clotting issues too. The procedure apparently went well with no complications.
However, since the procedure I have already had 6+ migraines with aura. One symptom being I lose the ability to comprehend written word which is unsettling. I get blurry vision and pretty much can’t see anything during these episodes as well.
Prior to my closure, I did get very occasional migraines but no where near this frequency or with this severity of symptoms. For reference, I have had more migraines in the last 3 weeks than I’ve had in the last 3 years.
I talked to my cardiologist about it because as of right now these migraines are kind of taking over and ruining my life. I’m unable to work and they come on so randomly. His response was basically to see a neurologist and that there was nothing he could do.
I have prescription medication for migraines that helps a bit, but still not enough to function.
I found this study which references an increase in migraines post PFO closure in some patients. It also mentions the use of aspirin and clopidogrel to reduce attacks.
I wanted to ask if anyone has any experience with this or if you’re a physician, if this has happened to patients you’ve treated? I’m fairly certain this increase is somehow related to the closure since it started almost immediately after the procedure.
I am feeling like I made a horrible medical decision and have many regrets right now over choosing to have this procedure. I’m hoping this is temporary but not feeling very optimistic at the moment.
Thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts/experiences, if you have any. I really appreciate it.
I am a first time poster. Please delete if this breaks any rules or if I’ve posted this in the wrong place.
I had a PFO closure done 3+ weeks ago due to multiple “undeserved” DCS hits with conservative profiles and other conservative measures. They found I had a small PFO (moderate sized when doing Valsalva) and I opted to get the PFO closed to help mitigate DCS risk as well as to reduce stroke risk since I have blood clotting issues too. The procedure apparently went well with no complications.
However, since the procedure I have already had 6+ migraines with aura. One symptom being I lose the ability to comprehend written word which is unsettling. I get blurry vision and pretty much can’t see anything during these episodes as well.
Prior to my closure, I did get very occasional migraines but no where near this frequency or with this severity of symptoms. For reference, I have had more migraines in the last 3 weeks than I’ve had in the last 3 years.
I talked to my cardiologist about it because as of right now these migraines are kind of taking over and ruining my life. I’m unable to work and they come on so randomly. His response was basically to see a neurologist and that there was nothing he could do.
I have prescription medication for migraines that helps a bit, but still not enough to function.
I found this study which references an increase in migraines post PFO closure in some patients. It also mentions the use of aspirin and clopidogrel to reduce attacks.

Patent Foramen Ovale Closure for Treating Migraine: A Meta-Analysis
Observational studies have shown percutaneous patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure to be a safe means of reducing the frequency and duration of migraine. This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of PFO closure in patients with migraine using evidence-based ...

I wanted to ask if anyone has any experience with this or if you’re a physician, if this has happened to patients you’ve treated? I’m fairly certain this increase is somehow related to the closure since it started almost immediately after the procedure.
I am feeling like I made a horrible medical decision and have many regrets right now over choosing to have this procedure. I’m hoping this is temporary but not feeling very optimistic at the moment.
Thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts/experiences, if you have any. I really appreciate it.