Perplexed by naysayers

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Pompano Beach, FL
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I'm a Fish!
I have 3 pairs of force fins: original, pro model and foil force. I use these fins about 3-5 times a week. Between diving and snorkeling I have used them at least a couple of thousand times. Every time I'm on a boat, someone asks me about them, especially when I have the foil force, and I tell them how great they are. Then some type of dive professional,DM or shop employee, chimes in and the conversation seem to alway go the same way. They say they don't work good and I ask them if they ever have tried them. Most of the time the answer is no. Occasionally its, "I tried them 1 time for a few minutes and couldn't feel them working." I try to educate them on the benefits and how they work but I can see the blank stare in their eye.

I really don't understand why people care what I wear or how they can make a judgement without trying them. I love my force fins and I will continue to educate these people but I will never really understand where they are coming from.

I would like to hear if everyone else has had the same experience.
I really don't understand why people care what I wear or how they can make a judgement without trying them. I love my force fins and I will continue to educate these people but I will never really understand where they are coming from.

I would like to hear if everyone else has had the same experience.

Maybe if you stop trying to educate them you'll get better response. :D

Seriously, if you like them and they make you happy isn't that all that is important?

Frankly I can't get over the price tag.

I've seen divers that more of less pedal kick, looks like they are riding a bike, go from conventional fins to Force fins and they love them.
It's the "I don't sell it, so it must be crap!" syndrome. It's stupid and short sighted.
Frankly I can't get over the price tag.

another common complaint from those who really don't know what they are talking about.

Apollo Bio-fin is commonly seen online at $165
Mares Volo $160
Oceanic V-16 $180
Hollis F1 $143
Force Fin is $152

and that doesn't even touch on the fact that a ForceFin will last a lifetime (I have pairs that well over 20 years old) and none of the others will approach that. sure they make some specialist fins that cost way more than that, but those are for the people who are willing to pay for the performance. the original is still the prime fin for 90% of people.

arrick- doesn't matter what other people think, the truth is that FF take weeks or longer to get used to and to unlearn the habit other fins make you believe is proper form. don't worry about what other people think, enjoy your fins and dive happy knowing that your experience isn't limited to the feeling in your feet.
another common complaint from those who really don't know what they are talking about.

Apollo Bio-fin is commonly seen online at $165
Mares Volo $160
Oceanic V-16 $180
Hollis F1 $143
Force Fin is $152

and that doesn't even touch on the fact that a ForceFin will last a lifetime (I have pairs that well over 20 years old) and none of the others will approach that. sure they make some specialist fins that cost way more than that, but those are for the people who are willing to pay for the performance. the original is still the prime fin for 90% of people.

arrick- doesn't matter what other people think, the truth is that FF take weeks or longer to get used to and to unlearn the habit other fins make you believe is proper form. don't worry about what other people think, enjoy your fins and dive happy knowing that your experience isn't limited to the feeling in your feet.

There are a lot of good fins that are at or under $100 that will last a lifetime as well.
There are a lot of good fins that are at or under $100 that will last a lifetime as well.

Maybe you can find a pair of used FFs that are less and try them. You might like them and decide some of the more specialized FFs really are worth the $$$. Or are you afraid to find out that you know not of what you speak???

I own or have owned - Jet Fins, BioFins, Mares Volo, V-16s and some others - but have found that FFs perform as well or better and don't result in the leg/knee pain. That is worth a lot of $$$ when you are paying $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for a live aboard trip and don't have to sit out dives because your legs/knees hurt.
they have their 30 day money back guarantee already, buy your own pair
I have 3 pairs of force fins: original, pro model and foil force. I really don't understand why people care what I wear or how they can make a judgement without trying them. I love my force fins and I will continue to educate these people but I will never really understand where they are coming from.

I would like to hear if everyone else has had the same experience.

There is an old saying that goes something like "there is nothing harder a diver's gear than another diver."

in some part it is insecurity. as a diver, I have the best equipment. if you have something different than mine that looks a little unorthodox, you must have been taken, otherwise you would be diving with stuff that is similar to mine.

I wore a backplate and wings in 1984 before it was stylish. It was unconventional at the time, but it sure did work for me. You will go nuts if you try to buy equipment that conforms to other's norms. If it works and you enjoy it, great. Next time someone bags on your gear, tell him "gee, this really works great for me because...I am sorry that it seems not to do the same for you but there is really nothing I can do about that, is there?

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