Afraid_of_Fish:me too.:beer:
How did you write reports? By hand? What if you had bad handwritting? Or what if you made a mistake. *shakes head* i could never survive without technology.
Our reports back in the olden days were by hand, AOF. If you had bad handwriting, you got a bad grade until you learned to make your handwriting neater. And if you made a mistake, you erased it (pencil) or tried to erase it (pen) until you rubbed a hole in the paper and had to start over. I know that I had to start over more than once, after a page was almost completely written, for that reason- either a mistake or a mistake-hole.
When I was a senior in H.S., I hand-wrote a 30-page research paper. I'm sure some others here can top that.
BTW, your post made me feel older than dirt. :satisfied LOL