Howdy all.
I just got back from a dive off pebble beach. A little surge but nothing much. Aside from sucking my tank dry in record time (could be a by product of having been out of the water for a year/ the spectre of two failed attempts earlier this season) it was a fantastic dive. I have a question or 3. I ran into a fair amount of wildlife. 3 lobsters numerous crabs, a ray of some sort and question number 1.
I realize a picture would help, but my cameras on the blink. This thing was stone gray with yellow and blue splotches, a bulbuous head and an eel like body. A tremendous underbite that made it look like it was frowning. It was laying motionless at 25 ft in some kelp. An eel of some sort, i imagine, but can anyone give me some sort of ID?
question 2: While i was chasing that ray, i saw a tiny white, flounder looking fish (very small...2 inches maybe. It settled in the sand and dissapeared, I think it changed colors to match the background. Any Ideas?
3. While i was trying to coax a lobster from its lair, i would sweep my hands towards it. when the water jet hit it, it would throw up its claws at me. Expected. What was unexpected was a red glowing light from under the rocks. It was daytime, but is this some sort of bioluminesence? I thought something might be reflecting off my gear, but i have nothing red.
Thanks for the help. This was my first dive up here. Much different that florida springs
--Scuba Six
I just got back from a dive off pebble beach. A little surge but nothing much. Aside from sucking my tank dry in record time (could be a by product of having been out of the water for a year/ the spectre of two failed attempts earlier this season) it was a fantastic dive. I have a question or 3. I ran into a fair amount of wildlife. 3 lobsters numerous crabs, a ray of some sort and question number 1.
I realize a picture would help, but my cameras on the blink. This thing was stone gray with yellow and blue splotches, a bulbuous head and an eel like body. A tremendous underbite that made it look like it was frowning. It was laying motionless at 25 ft in some kelp. An eel of some sort, i imagine, but can anyone give me some sort of ID?
question 2: While i was chasing that ray, i saw a tiny white, flounder looking fish (very small...2 inches maybe. It settled in the sand and dissapeared, I think it changed colors to match the background. Any Ideas?
3. While i was trying to coax a lobster from its lair, i would sweep my hands towards it. when the water jet hit it, it would throw up its claws at me. Expected. What was unexpected was a red glowing light from under the rocks. It was daytime, but is this some sort of bioluminesence? I thought something might be reflecting off my gear, but i have nothing red.
Thanks for the help. This was my first dive up here. Much different that florida springs

--Scuba Six