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Ok, I'll try to remember... this kind of question isn't really fair for those of us with old timers CRS...
Home Country: United States
Passport?: Yes, since 1974
Countries: Canada, Mexico, Japan, Guam, Viet Nam, Philippines, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Thailand, Malasia, Singapore, Australia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Maldives, Diego Garcia, Oman, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, England, Wales, Scotland, Grenada, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Cayman, Bahamas, and New York City.
I'm sure I've missed something...
Yes, both Mrs. waterdog and I have and carry passports.

I've had one for 8 years and the Mrs's just recently (africa).

Travels have taken me/us to: Spain, Germany, Italy, France and Africa. This year possibly Belize, next year China.

Alway's carry it on travel destinations just in case of lost drivers license.

How about an easier question?! Any divers not got a passport? If not what's so great about your neck of the woods you don't want to dive anywhere else?

Oh yes!

most of my life
UK, all over europe ( what can I say I went inter railing and the skiing isn't too good back home), Japan, US, Australia, Egypt, Thailand, Guam, Marshalls - sure there's more....
1) American
2) Had it since 1999
3) Botswana, South Africa, Costa Rica, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Mexico, Aruba, Curacao, Barbados, St. Lucia, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, and Bahamas.

18 Years
England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Turkey, Singapore, Mexico, Grand Cayman, Saba, St. Maarten, St. Kitts, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Aruba ... I'm sure I missed a few...
SubMariner once bubbled...
I heard that only about 20% of people in the US have a passport. That got me to wondering:

1) Nationality.
2) Do you have a passport? If yes, how long? If no, why not?
3) Countries you have lived in or visited.
Scottland x6, England x8, Republic of Colombia+ business visa x2, Chile x2, Isreal x3, Republic of Honduras x8, South Africa 1, Republic of Ghana + business x4, Rebulique Democratique Du Congo x2 (longest 4 days of my life traveling with UN), France x2, Guatemala x2, El Salvador x2, Belguim x2, end 2000. new passport 2000 Honduras X4

No wonder my wife is startled when I walk around the corner.
US born and raised


since 1979

Visited only: Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Luxemberg, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Australia
Yes, since 1987
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Spain, Rock of Gibraltar, France, Italy, Sicily, Malta, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, turkey, Libya
USA born & Raised
First passport, 1968.
Canada, Mexico, Belize, Guatemalla, Panama, Honduras, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Urgway, Argentina, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Trinidad & Tobago, Netherland Antillies (Aruba, Bonaire and Curaco) , Saba, St Kitts, Barbados, Nevis, Turks and Caicos, Puerto Rico, St. Martin, St. Lucia, St. Bart's, Grenada, US Virgins, Martinique, Jamaica, Guadaloupe, other Caribbean islands whose names I forgot, England, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Yugoslavia (when it was one country), Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweeden, Norway, Israel, Turkey, India, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Australia, Margaritaland.

And I have only begun to scratch the surface....

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