I have a rather serious question for a dentist experienced in dive medicine. I am a navy dentist who is new to diving. I treated a patient today suffering from an endodontic emergency. He had a necrotic pulp, with an acute apical periodontitis with mild swelling, and a draining sinus tract. I performed a pulpectomy (removed the nerve), placed CaOH, and placed him on antibiotics. The ideal plan would be to complete the root canal when the infection resolves. The only problem is the patient is a diver who is going on a remote excercise for two months in which he will be expected to carry out his duties in freezing waters and at excessive depths. This begs the obvious question as to the safety of his situation. He's basically walking around with a hollowed out tooth, covered only by a temporary filling (cavit). Is it right to be concerned about potential complications? Is it imperative that the root canal be completed before he dives?:boom: