Aloha SuPrBuGmAn!
As the others say, using the panorama mode gives you the overlap guidelines on your screen. When using this option and the auto stitch mode of the camedia software you have to be sure that you took your pictures from left to right, if you use free stitch, it doesn't matter. Why you could even do two rows of pictures using free stitch.
BUT, if you wanted to take your pictures in M mode the option is enabled. Yet it doesn't mean you still can't make a panorama with pictures you take in M mode. When you take the pictures you just have to visualize the guidelines in your minds eye and then use the free stitch option.
Last week we went to the west shore to look for whales (no luck). When I wanted to take a panorama pic I noticed that I didn't have the right card in the camera so I did it myself, overlapped my pictures and this is how it turned out.