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Bc, Canada
I had an incident 3 days ago. I was diving and I had a problem with my suit which caused a quick surfacing from 60 feet. ever since I have been pannicing. i dont know if this is anxiety or what panic attacks feel like but I cant relax. anyone ever have an incident like this? what did you do? did you get past it? Im scared I wont be able to dive again.
Kindly fill out your profile and give abit more details on your incident. Then people will be able to respond more easily.
just generally speaking, when you go through something scary, you can't process it
all at once, so you "relive" the moment as you try to process it.

i would suggest that you talk to someone you trust about it, and how you feel, and
what you are afraid of (the same thing happening again, whatever). just talk about it,
feel it, get it out in the open, and try to figure out what you are afraid of exactly.

don't feel bad or ashamed about what you are going through. people react differently to stress, and you need to address how you feel.

hang in there, many of us have been through moments that have scared us, and most of us get back to diving relatively quickly.
I had an incident 3 days ago. I was diving and I had a problem with my suit which caused a quick surfacing from 60 feet. ever since I have been pannicing. i dont know if this is anxiety or what panic attacks feel like but I cant relax. anyone ever have an incident like this? what did you do? did you get past it? Im scared I wont be able to dive again.

Try to remember all you can about what happened, and think through how not to make that happen again. I presume you are talking about a Drysuit issue. If so, have you had it long? All it takes is a little getting accustomed to it...

If it is a DS, a runaway ascent can be arrested by blowing the neck seal...Its a cold way out, but it works, and NOW.

Once you've assured yourself intellectually that you can manage the situation next time, go back in the water and do a few or a bunch of nice easy dives...Dive very familiar territory with a familiar buddy.

You'll get back in...Trust yourself to be able to do the right thing.
I can't even begin to tell you how many times on a working dive I decided that when I got out of the water I was never going back in.

Funny but the next diving day would come up and back in the water I would go.

Some people find it helpful to learn what caused the incident that scared them and a few ways that they can deal with a similar situation in the future.
I had an incident earlier this year where I really didn't think I was going to make it back to the surface. Well, I got back and I'm still diving :)

What helped me was getting back in the water ASAP - i went in for another dive that day, even though i just about had to be pushed over the edge of the boat! I also did a dive the following day and become anxious which resulted in a long surface swim back to the boat as I sucked down my tank like you wouldn't believe! I then signed up to do my AOW with an instructor that i really trust and he helped me get my confidence back by teaching me how to use the equipment I had trouble with (I had gotten tangled in a reel).

Apart from that, just really self-evaluating the dive - what I did, what I did wrong, how would i prevent the situation from occuring again and how I could deal differently with the situation if (God forbid!) it should arise again (or a similiar situation).

I was at the point where I was mentally composing the 'FOR SALE' ad in my head for all my gear but fortunately I got past it and I hope you will too.

I had an incident 3 days ago. I was diving and I had a problem with my suit which caused a quick surfacing from 60 feet. ever since I have been pannicing. i dont know if this is anxiety or what panic attacks feel like but I cant relax. anyone ever have an incident like this? what did you do? did you get past it? Im scared I wont be able to dive again.
Not a good feeling. I discused with my dive buddies ( I have real good ones) I went right back into the water. But that's me.
You should first figure out what the mechanical problem was. Solve that problem. Maybe try diving with a wet suit this time. Keep your dive simple and shallow. Work back into it slowly and don't let anyone talk you into going further than your comfort level. Dive with someone you trust. someone you know will be there if needed.
Most important talk it over with someone you trust. Not someone thats going to push you.
Good luck,
When a cowboy gets bucked off a horse, he gets back on ASAP, if able. The bad part is that The Code requires it be the same horse. Dumb, macho Code...

Get back in the water ASAP, but maybe just a shallow dive - no longer than you're comfortable wtih. Ease into feeling good about it all, but get back ASAP.

My home bud had this happen in the first 4 dives after OW, but from 84 feet on a 5,000 foot altitude dive = 110 feet adjusted. Ouch! Then, his new girlfriend (an ex vacation diver) convinced him that I was too dangerous to go with. Control party.

Took me 2 years to get him back in, and that might have never been accomplished. But I got him back in finally, helped thru some rough adjustments, and now he's comfy again.

Best for you, is easy diving, ASAP...

Good luck & Enjoy!
yeah, Im not crazy-paranoid now... Im just a little bit afraid to go without my boyfriend (hes a military diver and a DM) but Im going to be going on vacation very soon and I will want to go diving. I think Im just going to have to make sure to find someone whos either a DM or an instructor to go with me- just for my peace of mind.
Personally, I'd attack this problem by getting to a pool where I could duplicate the situation as closely as possible, and practice the solution over and over until I was comfortable that should it ever happen again I would not only be able to arrest the ascent, but that doing so would be easy and automatic.
The worry will automatically dissipate in the process.

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