I went out on a trip with dixie divers last thanksgiving. We got to the jetties and realized that the seas were 3-8 and heavy. the divemaster went around asking every single person if they were comfortable with the seas and weather we wanted to go back.
Everyone voted to press on and we went out to teh first spot, a bridge section in 60". the divemaster went down to hook the structure to the anchor.
when he came back he said that the sea was rolling forty feet down, viz was ten feet, and he thought it might be dangerous getting back onto the boat.
at this time I was chumming the fish, damn, almost everyone was green. Everyone decised it wasn't our day and we motored home.
they gave us ALL our MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
rental gear, trip, you know the divemaster was even trying to give back tips!!!
These guys are a real CLASS ACT and have a customer for life.
I also have gone with divers den, they did a good job on an offshore trip. We dove the tarpon and a reef. The tarpon is a great dive with real history and worth doing.
The boat we went out with with divers den was also trailered, which led to a short trip but some delays with getting the boat into the water and out, etc.
I fyou need any more help please ask. there's lots of great dives there, I really like the jetty shore dive.
HTH, Rice