flw once bubbled...
It's a direct reference to the original paper, written by someone obscure when they demonstrated that isobaric counterdiffusion could occur, by making cute fluffy white bunnies breathe a nitrous oxide/O2 mixture whilst surrounding them in a helium based atmosphere - eventually, after around 1500 minutes, they got skin bends in their ears. [/B]
I am still having a hard time with this idea of breathing a NITROUS OXIDE mix. I have no idea why someone would want to do this, even if you have something against bunnies!! Was this at one atm?
It certainly has little, if anything, to do with diving. You could, I suppose, PUT nitrous oxide in your tank, but, talk about "gettin' down to get high"!!! Ay, la Chihuaua!!!:wacko:
Could someone post a link to this article, or information on how to find it, please?