Padi or Naui for job in Okinawa?(other general advice welcome too!)

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I'm currently thinking about investing some time and money to get my certification so that I can work as a DM or Instructor in Okinawa.

I've been looking at a few Japanese sites and Naui seems to be pretty popular. Can anyone tell me which organisation's license would be most useful in Okinawa and/or Japan in general?

I'd be very grateful for any other advice on finding work in the diving industry in Okinawa.

Thanks a lot.

I'm currently thinking about investing some time and money to get my certification so that I can work as a DM or Instructor in Okinawa.

I've been looking at a few Japanese sites and Naui seems to be pretty popular. Can anyone tell me which organisation's license would be most useful in Okinawa and/or Japan in general?

I'd be very grateful for any other advice on finding work in the diving industry in Okinawa.

Thanks a lot.

Are you connected to the military? Most bases here (all Marine, Air Force and Navy) have dive shops with PADI instructors. Torii Station (the Army base) has both PADI, NAUI, and GUE courses.

It does seem that most off base shops that I've seen are NAUI here, but there quite a few PADI shops as well.

If you plan on working off base, the ability to speak Japanese is almost a must!
You need to sit down for that cup of tea with me so I can give you some career advice.

In a nutshell, I chose PADI because of the high quality of training materials, the depth and breadth of the programs. People in Tokyo appreciate the flexibility of the independent study options, etc.

In Okinawa, either agency will do, it depends on the shop. Doug of Reef Encounters had a hiring notice for Japanese speaking DMs and Instructors a while ago.

For Japanese shops, I have found that most divers choose the shop rather than the agency.
Thats a pretty "rough" estimation Nori got any facts to back it up?
Hey, Doug (Japan Diver), I was wondering when you were going to step into the fray, especially knowing that you're a NAUI IT...
Thats a pretty "rough" estimation Nori got any facts to back it up?

Hi japan-diver

70% of certificate was issued by PADI in 2003 by C-card council , NAUI joined as well.
Generally speaking, Customers prefer PADI cards without clear reason.

また、登録店舗数でもPADI約440店舗NAUI約300店舗SSIが約200店舗となっており、認定数の割合もその順番になっているようです。 ちなみに世界でのPADIのシェアは全ダイバー人口の55%を占めています。

Easy:wink: , I know you are NAUI CD and me has been certified by NAUI years and years ago.
Although it is true that PADI is the largest organization and issues the largest number of certs there is no arguing that, I beleive the numbers to be somewhat exaggerated as to %. Here on Okinawa the biggest shop is almost exclusively NAUI as are the two largest resort colleges that train a huge number of instructors down here. Most of the shops have instructors from numerous agencies working for them. PADI and NAUI are by far the most prevalent although IDEA, BSAC, SSI and CMAS all have a presence on Okinawa to some degree.

Now when the question of "customer preference" comes up for a new diver I have found in over 12 years of doing business there is no ruling preference for agency. In that time I have worked for shops that sell multiple agencies and single agency PADI shops and single agency NAUI shops. Even if a customer comes in asking for a specific agency (most don't- they asked to be dive qualed) its a simple task of selling the agency you can certify through or the class that best suits their schedule or needs as at this level most do not care. Not to say the brand loyal customer doesn't exist but it is rare in scuba at the basic level and the number of brand loyal NAUI people has been about equal to the brand loyal PADI folks I have seen. As Mar Scuba pointed out people generally choos the shop or instructor not the agency.

As you move up in certs people tend to be more brand loyal- but normally at the pro level only DM/Inst as all other certs can be counted toward either progression.

As for support materials I think the NAUI products far outshine others (I'm sure some will disagree). Our book/workbook/DVD packages allow self study and incredible flexibility to schedules. NAUI offers a full range of courses from basic to specialties and a fully supported tech program for those going that route. NAUI also offers more flexibility for the instructor to add to programs then PADI does- I personally found this to be a big plus and one of the main reasons I went with NAUI.

As to job availability- on Okinawa about the same for either agency. Worldwide there are more PADI jobs advertised but there are more instructors applying for them. I know of quite a few NAUI instructors traveling the globe teaching and not having any problems finding jobs. Finding a job in this industry is more than having an instructor card- there are plenty of those people around- I think I have a file with over 500 CV's from dive instructors that have applied for jobs- most I wouldn't look twice at as their experience is very limited and what they offered a dive company was even more so. Most shops would rather home grow their instructors - its easier and you get a staff member that teaches the way you want him/her to do. For an outsider coming in they must offer something of value besides their instructor card to the shop at most places.

Skills that shops are looking for:

language skills in many places
experience repairing regulators
experience with air stations/compressors
sales/ customer relations
boat handling skills/captains license
many resorts look for other water sports related skills- kayaking, wakeboard, windsurfing etc as they offer all of these at their resorts
computer/web skills that may benefit a shop
experience teaching and diving in various environments and types of diving

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