Padi Master scuba diver

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Under the PADI marketing model, instructors get credit for signing off on MSDs and must have a certain number before they can progress to the next level.

I believe you have been misinformed. There is no such requirement. In fact, an instructor can progress to the highest level within PADI without signing off on a single MSD.
Hey thanks guys -This is pretty much as I thought. Basicly pure ego.
Re liability for divemaster-Forgive my stupidity but if I'm NOT working as a DM or even a defacto DM then whats the harm in showing my next highest card when sighning up onto a boat.?
Hey thanks guys -This is pretty much as I thought. Basicly pure ego.
Re liability for divemaster-Forgive my stupidity but if I'm NOT working as a DM or even a defacto DM then whats the harm in showing my next highest card when sighning up onto a boat.?

There are two schools of thought about that. On the one hand you might be more likely in some cases to be asked to play some kind of a role like buddy up with a rookie diver or follow on behind a group to sweep up stragglers if you show a DM or an instructor card. In those cases you're welcome to either accept or refuse depending on your disposition but some people find being asked to contribute to a dive so annoying that they lie about their qualifications in order to avoid the question.

The other thought that I think you need to consider is that *IF* something happens your pockets may not look "zipped shut" to a liability lawyer if you deliberately mislead the dive team as to your qualifications. In accident I can see a lawyer making that claim that if you hadn't lied that that dive team would have made other decisions and that the accident wouldn't have happened, essentially blaming your lie for causing the accident, even if it has nothing to do with it. Remember, lawyers don't care what really happened, all they want is to be able to nail someone for it.

That second bit is why I never lie about my qualifications, and to be honest, while it has happened from time to time, I've never felt that a dive crew asked me to do something that would have caused a conflict if I had declined.

There are very few dive operations that I use that I don't know the staff of, so most of them know I am an instructor before I even walk through the door. However, with a dive center I've never been to before when it comes down to showing them a c card I'll usually pull out my AOW. It usually comes out during the day that I am an instructor, but I just dont feel the need to scream it to the world. From personal experience instructors are either the best or worse diver you come across and I prefer to let people draw their own conclusions.

As for the OP question. I say why not to Master Scuba Diver. It's not the card itself it's the road you take to get there. rescue diver, deep spec, ppb, and even all the other ones have something very unique to offer you and once you complete those 5 specs and rescue course I like to think that you have a bit more of a grasp on safe diving practices and that is REALLY what that card is saying.
If you actually want to progress *your* skills as opposed to *others* skills while staying in the PADI system I would encourage you to take Tec 40 without hesitation.

If you want to learn to be an instructor then DM is obviously required, but if you want to worry about yourself, expand your diving envelope, and learn new things Tec 40 could well be an excellent way forward.
U.S. Navy Master Divers will think you're awesome. Some of them might buy you a beer in the bar if you show them your card.

I don't understand why PADI chose that title?
Under the PADI marketing model, instructors get credit for signing off on MSDs and must have a certain number before they can progress to the next level.

Can you provide some / any documentation of this statement about instructors needing to have a certain number of MSDs for progression? I am not aware that such is the case at all.

Under the PADI marketing model, instructors get credit for signing off on MSDs and must have a certain number before they can progress to the next level.

This is false and you should make a correction.

Can you provide some / any documentation of this statement about instructors needing to have a certain number of MSDs for progression? I am not aware that such is the case at all.

It's not true through the IDCS level. However, if you want to advance yourself beyond IDCS and achieve MI you'll note the very first requirement is "Have certified at least 150 PADI Divers, of which: At least 50 of the certifications must be for PADI Adventure Diver or higher." You'll find the proof you requested by clicking here: Master Instructor Courses - Divemaster & Rescue Diver - PADI Scuba Diving Training Organization

Someone who is focused on achieving the Master Instructor or Course Director qualifications would be well served to "cap" the total certification count by adding an MSD to their student counts.
He may be confused. It is necessary to sign off on a certain number of specialties/adventure divers for an MI qualification. Perhaps he mistook MSD for something along those lines.

And people, seriously. It's easy to get cynical about the MSD card but some people really do see it (or use it) to set a goal for themselves and take great pleasure and pride in achieving that goal. To me there's nothing wrong with that. It's not something I would personally work toward but I can certainly understand that not everyone is wired like I am and i'm not inclined to ridicule them for getting their motivation in different ways than I do.

As for all the negative comments about PADI selling a product with "no value" let me remind you that it may have no value to YOU. But YOU are not everyone.... Some people obviously wanted something to signify that they had reached an important milestone (important to THEM) or PADI wouldn't have created it..... and despite some people's (strange) allergy to businesses making money by offering products that people want to buy....that's how businesses are SUPPOSED to work.... they find out what people want to buy and then they sell it to them.


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