PADI Gas Blender course

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Roak, please be gracious my friend.I've dove with several PADI deep divers all the way down to 117ft.They suprised me when I saw He mentioned.I figgered they would have Gas Bender 1(air and nitrox 32&36.Gas Blender 2 (nitrox other than 32&36 but less than 50%)Gas Blender 3(nitrox other than 32&36 and over 50%)Gas blender 4(gasses those "techy guys" use that we don't teach classes to dive)These of course would be seperate from equipment courses for using appropriate gear.If you can find a course book,let me know .I'd love to see it.
I especially enjoyed the description of one of the other classes:
"TEC DIVER APPRENTICE" ... woooooo. Does PADI require snorkels
for those dives?

I have to admit that I was shocked as well at the one-class-teaches-it-all approach (I do agree teaching it all in one class, BTW). And even more shocked at them even mentioning He (remember, this was the organization that lead the ban on that horrible sure-to-cause-death technical gas called “Nitrox” from even being mentioned at DEMA a number of years ago!) I guess yet again PADI has seen the $ signs.

My guess is that a trimix class will pop out of DSAT/PADI within 6 months, seeing that they’re teaching how to mix it. In fact I bet mentioning He in their announcement was a boo-boo. I would except them to hold off until they announced a Trimix diving class first.

GM, I’ve looked at DSAT/PADI’s “Tech Deep Diver” book and they’ve done a wonderful job with it. Too bad the premise that the entire book is based on is flawed.


Ps. I can't wait until the LDS I coached on how to make an O2 whip tries to get me to sign up so they can tell me how to do it.
If I bite my tongue any harder, I will never get the bleeding stopped!

Out of curiosity, what is the least number of days a member has been registered with the board before getting themselves banned?
ROFLMAO....I went back per G_Ms post and looked over the claims.How's"The best and most in depth technical course on the market"?Somebody better give George,JJ et al some Valium and the # of a good copyright atty.I respect the authors of the DSAT courses for thier numerous accomplishments but this seems like a potential Fox Paws.They only require 270 dives to be a candidate for a Tec instructor,heinous.The only up-side I see is that most PADI divers I know use a shop boat or a resort.Perhaps these dives are hopefully going to be taking place in low threat environments.BTW had a "deep diver" out last nite..Told him not to tell anyone else about it .Why he asked?Told him of gas switches at depths deeper than his class.I wasn't the only one smirking.just the only one kind enough to let him down sans flames.I rarely tell anyone(particularly non-divers) what all is involved in this sport.To much chance for ego-overide on my part........Hopefully we won't see any macho knuckleheads dieing at 165' on air in stressful situations(cold ,current,overhead etc,) End of Rant
Boy, I really don't know what to say about the mixing course (I'm actually speechless), but using PADI, tech, air, and 160' in the same sentence makes me nervous.

No worries, Watergal -- they've kept me around. :D

Let me grab some text from a private email I sent out a short time ago...


In all actuality I may have to grit my teeth and admit that PADI might do a good job here. I may vehemently disagree with their “deep air” technical program but PADI does a bang-up job at teaching materials, so it might be a decent class. ANYTHING would be better than the IANTD mixing class I took a couple of years ago!

My friend said it best about the IANTD text that accompanied the class: “If I had handed this in as a term paper in college, I would have flunked.”

As a secondary effect, I expect a bizillion PADI “badge collectors” to take the mixing class, which will backfire on some shops because all of a sudden their customers will be informed about mixing.

Gone will be the shops that tell customers that in order to mix Nitrox you need to sacrifice a virgin chicken over each cylinder, and that’s why they need to charge $30 a fill. Also being a two way street, customers will realize that if the shop does PP blending, at 30-60 psi/min for the O2 that they can’t get a Nitrox fill done in 5 minutes.

I should have said "an O2 clean virgin chicken"


You gotta admit that putting O2 and He in one class is the right way to go. I never understood why in the typical IANTD Nitrox mixing class you learned to handle high presure gas and pure O2, but then you have to take another class to handle an INERT gas! What kind of sense does that make?


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