Another wrong-gender reply... however, Mrs. Fdog (here on the board as jdf) brings 4 swimsuits, as do I. This way, you have a bone-dry, non-itchy suit to change into after every dive, all day long.
She also brings along a couple of the "beach tops", or those short dress things (can you tell I'm a clueless guy?) that you wear over a swimsuit, to wear in between dives.
You don't need to bring a towell to the CA4. Honest. Save the space.
She also brings a bottle of conditioner. Our last trip on the CA4, we (all the guests) pretty much took our daily showers on the swim platform, and why not? Great scenery, tons of warm water from the shower, and more room than in the stateroom. Hence the big bottle of conditioner that all the ladies used.
The prime dive gear spots are the forward lockers on the outboard side, if well clipped off, wetsuits dry fastest here.
We, too, have Chamyz, which as previous postes have noted, are great to wear indoors. They dry rather slowly, though. You can have them tossed in the dryer occasionally to make them perfect for dinner attire.
If you have even a hint of seasickness, get something powerful - as in prescription - for the crossing. Janet, despite OTC meds, was miserable, while the rest of us non-sufferers relaxed in the hot tub, drinking beers, as the water in the hot tub swirled and churned about like some huge washing machine. Once you are at Little Cayman, the boat is stable as can be, it's just the crossing that causes issues.
The CA4 is one of the best boats in the Aggressor fleet, you are in for a treat!
All the best, James
She also brings along a couple of the "beach tops", or those short dress things (can you tell I'm a clueless guy?) that you wear over a swimsuit, to wear in between dives.
You don't need to bring a towell to the CA4. Honest. Save the space.
She also brings a bottle of conditioner. Our last trip on the CA4, we (all the guests) pretty much took our daily showers on the swim platform, and why not? Great scenery, tons of warm water from the shower, and more room than in the stateroom. Hence the big bottle of conditioner that all the ladies used.
The prime dive gear spots are the forward lockers on the outboard side, if well clipped off, wetsuits dry fastest here.
We, too, have Chamyz, which as previous postes have noted, are great to wear indoors. They dry rather slowly, though. You can have them tossed in the dryer occasionally to make them perfect for dinner attire.
If you have even a hint of seasickness, get something powerful - as in prescription - for the crossing. Janet, despite OTC meds, was miserable, while the rest of us non-sufferers relaxed in the hot tub, drinking beers, as the water in the hot tub swirled and churned about like some huge washing machine. Once you are at Little Cayman, the boat is stable as can be, it's just the crossing that causes issues.
The CA4 is one of the best boats in the Aggressor fleet, you are in for a treat!
All the best, James