I wanted to point something that I (in my limited experience) have noticed and want to address. I was talking to a friend yesterday about my OW certification (recent) program and a trip to Cozumel that I'm taking. A young lady overheard me and began to talk about her experience from the same class. This class is a full semester at the college I go to and is more in depth than most OW checkouts, but this person seemed to think it made them an experienced diver. She began talking about her trip and about she "had a broken pressuge gauge on a dive from the beginning, but was so comfortable and experienced that she just looked off her dive buddies and continued the dive by guessing." Now I understand not panicking is important in this situation, but this blew me away; knowingly continuing a dive with a bad SPG?
I was really angry for a while, but then I realized that I too have a little of the same self-confidence even though I am just beginning my diving. A part of this can be attributed to my zealousness for the sport and my desire to learn more, but just because we as new divers read scubaboard and have a few dives does not mean we shouldn't be aware of our lack of experience. I have begun to realize how little I know and how I need to be even more careful because of my enthusiasm.
This got a little longwinded, but the point is to never get complacent or think that "it will never happen to you."