out of breath underwater

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Sgt Nitrox once bubbled...
Thanks again Doc Sandy.

Hey Ray:

Check this out --


I just found an ad for this psychologist. He practices in Vancouver BC, but there will likely be othr similar services where you are (which is where BTW?).

Point is, there are lots of people who are having the same problems you **may** be having.

Keep in touch.

Sgt Nitrox once bubbled...
I am in Cenrtal Florida just on the out skirts of Orlando. Head Doc uh....uuummmm. Is that kind of treatment usually covered under insurance?

Well, it depends on what kind of coverage you have, but many plans cover some or all of the costs to see a registered psychologist.


I am in Red Deer, Alberta, and we just had a foot of snow here in the past 24 hours!
What is this snow you guys speak of? Can you dive it? High was 74 today. UPDATE. I emailed DAN today and with in hours they emailed me the telephone number of a DOC who treats divers. the best part is he is on my list covered by insurance. Got an appt for next Monday now thats service none of this 6 weeks crap. No offense, Doc Sandy but I think you guys and gals up north have different health coverage than we do. Of course I could be wrong. Any how we will see what this guy says. I think I am going to get in the pool in my back yard and swim around a little with the reg in and maybe run a reel and do some line drills with out my mas and see how that goes. Couldnt hurt all I would have to do is stand up....Cheers to all and I will catch you all next year.
Sorry for the late update. After a PFT it has been stated that I may have excersise induced asthma....So now I have to take Serevent disk once every 12 hrs and albuterol 1/2 hour before I dive. I tried this on a dive this past weekend. DIDnt work. Everything is fine till about 30 ft. This is really starting to piss me off for one and now my head is a mess. I am going to call my primary for a follow up. BTW the Albuterol really makes me nervous and jumpy. Any ideas from here? Also my future Mother in law is a retired nurse who use to preform these PFT's and she said the results were really mild only 4% off in one test everything else was normal or above.I have a print out of the test but I wouldnt know how to tell the results....
Hats off again to Doc Sandy for getting me to go see a Doc....

Sorry for the screwed up reply above.

I still have not figured out how to "quote and paste" on this board.

I think it is a good idea for you to see your "primary" again. Was this a respiratory specialist that you saw?

I have no doubt that you are jumpy and nervous after taking the albuterol. After all, you are taking two bronchodilators. Serevent is a slow onset, long-acting bronchodilator and albuterol is a rapid onset, short -acting bronchodilator, and the two of them together are giving you this side effect.

Asthma is a disease of inflammation, and cough, wheeze, or shortness of breath are merely the symptoms of the disease. One can treat the symptoms with Serevent or Albuterol, but treating the symptoms is only part of the story. One must treat the underlying inflammation first and this will likely alleviate most if not all of the symptoms. The occasional, remaining bit of cough, wheeze or shortness of breath can be treated with bronchodilators as "rescue" medication, but these "rescue" bronchodilator should never (or rarely ever) be used as the primary treatment. It is generally accepted that the use of rescue medications more than two or three times a week indicates poor control of the asthma and the need for additional treatment.

I cannot really comment on your pulmonary function test results without seeing them of course but if they are that close to normal, then certainly one has to question the diagnosis. Were you exercise stressed prior to doing the pulmonary function test? If not, it is difficult to make a definite case for exercise-induced asthma unless the history is very typical, and in your case I would say that it is not "very typical".

I would certainly ask your primary-care physician for a referral to a good respiratory specialist, preferably one who has experience and an interest in treating asthma, and one might even ask for a referral to a respiratory specialist who has expertise in treating asthma in athletes.

I have asthma myself, so I am good at managing it and enjoy seeing patients with asthma, but many family physicians and general internists are not particularly skilled in the treatment of asthma.

Go get another opinion Sarge!

I am pleased that you are persevering in this, and I am confident that you will eventually come up with the right answer -- don't give up!

Sgt Nitrox once bubbled...
Sorry for the late update. After a PFT it has been stated that I may have excersise induced asthma....So now I have to take Serevent disk once every 12 hrs and albuterol 1/2 hour before I dive. I tried this on a dive this past weekend. DIDnt work. Everything is fine till about 30 ft. This is really starting to piss me off for one and now my head is a mess. I am going to call my primary for a follow up. BTW the Albuterol really makes me nervous and jumpy. Any ideas from here? Also my future Mother in law is a retired nurse who use to preform these PFT's and she said the results were really mild only 4% off in one test everything else was normal or above.I have a print out of the test but I wouldnt know how to tell the results....
Hats off again to Doc Sandy for getting me to go see a Doc....

Well, if others are brave enough to admit they have anxiety, I guess I will too. OK - I have asthma (sometimes exercise induced) and I also have had problems with anxiety (life-stress related, not due to diving). I take flovent and zyrtec for maintenance, and RARELY need to use albuterol. And yes, it does suck re: making you jumpy, doesn't it.

I am not familiar with the serevent disk, but I wonder if part of the problem may be that you haven't been on it long enough? You may want to check with your doctor about that - many medicines become more effective when used long-term. Or maybe the doctor could give you something else.

At any rate, what I am getting at is that in my case, anxiety has masqueraded as asthma. Conversely, asthma can bring on anxiety. Hmmph. What to do? You may want to talk to your doctor about something to quell anxiety and see if that helps. Anxiety is a slippery problem - I had trouble with it for some time before I really became aware that it was a problem for me.

BTW - why does he want you to take albuterol before you dive? If you are symptom free, you do not need it and it's going to make your heart race, etc. If you have symptoms, there is no way you should be even CLOSE to the water.
nitroxbabe once bubbled...
BTW - why does he want you to take albuterol before you dive? If you are symptom free, you do not need it and it's going to make your heart race, etc. If you have symptoms, there is no way you should be even CLOSE to the water.

I assume that his doc wanted him to take it before he dives to prevent the symptoms form bothering him while he dives.

However, as I said above, I think it wiser to treat the underlying condition rather than merely the symptoms.

Treating the symptoms is like putting touch up paint on the rust spot on your car - it may look OK for a while, but meanwhile the rust keeps eating away at the metal, and sooner or later it will pop through the touch up paint.

Better to get at the primary problem - the rust.


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