I found this article by Basie Ackermann in a spearfishing site, gruesome but I think relevant. We (certainly myself) can learn something from this incident.
(05-Jan-06) Report on Diving Death by Basie Ackermann
Francios Swanepoel's (single - staying in Scottburgh after moving down from Free State a couple of months ago) body was found off Scottburgh main beach round about the 5th December 2005 - I was on the beach when it happened, but not 100% sure of the date. It was in that week. It was seen floating on backline, lifeguards went out on a duck to tow the body back to the beach - badly bloated and decomposed. Face and hand were eaten away by crabs etc. (had been in the ocean for 2 weeks), but body intact in wetsuit and weight-belt still on. I couldn't see any signs of a shark attack, even post mortem. No bite marks.
My take on this (knowing the area extremely well - I live here, and dive Back Beach very regularly):
Taking into consideration the extremely rough conditions on the day he went missing (big easterly swell and 20knot east), his inexperience (only been diving a couple of months) and the big rip he swam out in off Back Beach, his weight belt (+-10kg!) still being on when found and reports from people seeing him struggle. My opinion is he drowned due to either; 1) Panic - realizing surf was way too rough for him and trying to swim back against the rip -( his float never made it past backline, and gun was unloaded when found on beach just south of where he swam out) and then drowning or 2) due to a medical reason brought on by exertion of swimming in rough seas, and drowning.
For a fact I can tell you that there was no shark attack, as reported by the over- zealous, ill-informed and sensationalistic media, and the sad turn of events boils down to lack of experience, in my opinion. He should never have dived in those conditions - none of us down here even considered it a diveable day and he was way overweighted. It is a great pity. Condolences to family and friends.
Basie Ackermann