Our NEW Reservation System...

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The Chairman

Chairman of the Board
Scuba Instructor
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Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Hey gang,

Have you EVER wished that you could just click on a single site to reserve that Charter, Hotel or Liveaboard? Well, that is JUST around the corner. So please, take a gander at ScubaBoard's Reservation System and tell us what you think.

Eventually, this will be a world wide event registration system that will be open to Dive Charters and Hoteliers to present YOU with a wide array of dives, destinations and experiences. If you want to be the first on your continent to be one of our providers, please contact Reservations@ScubaBoard.com. This is only the very beginning as we are starting to build the ultimate ScubaReservation System in the world!
It will be! It's just the beginning right now! But please: TELL US WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE in this?
I think something that would be really useful is a link to local dive ops. Like if I lived in Florida, I think I would use it a lot for booking weekend dives with say, Conch Republic. I remember when I was visiting the Jupiter area, one weekend was completely booked with the dive ops out of there and WPB. I think if a member had a one stop shopping place and could see what ops still had openings, it would have been useful. Being from out of town I wasn't that familiar with the dive ops around.
What a GREAT idea!!! Absolutely, divide it up into the local areas.
I think something that would be really useful is a link to local dive ops.
Yeah Baby, yeah! :D Soon. Very soon. But keep the ideas coming. Lots of places have tried this, but only we have the sheer numbers to make it work. Really work.

It looks very promising. Ideally, it would be nice to have sections on certain regions (Florida, North Carolina, California, etc) that members could go to and then see the various operators and what spots they have available for a given day. Obviously, that will take a lot of work and a buy-in from a lot of dive charters. However, it would be a fantastic resource.

Keep up the good work. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


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