Our first trip / Dolphin Dive ?

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Wow, we had no idea that those dolphins were treated so poorly. I guess we just assumed that this place was up to "US" standards like a Sea World type place....

My wife and I have started looking into other activities...
Just an alternative viewpoint... My wife and I had a thoroughly good time "swimming" with the dolphins last year. That was before I heard about this thread, though. From my untrained eye, it looked like the dolphins at Chankanaab were treated pretty nicely. I found the lecture before the swim to be very informative. My wife doesn't dive, so we just did the swim. After each of us got a short tow by the dolphin then posed for some pictures we all swam out into the pen. Everybody in our group (I think there were about 6 of us including a guide person) all floated in a large circle (we were wearing life vests, mask/snorkel/fins) in about 20 feet of water. The dolphin swam a large circle letting each of us pet him, then he would drop down to a diver on the bottom for some goodies. For my wife this was a highlight of the trip. The dolphins are beautiful animals, and it was wonderful getting a chance to be up close and personal.

p.s. yes the pictures they sold us were expensive. These I took myself with my cheapy little camera.

I think this is going to turn into one of those... "I have to check this out for myself" type things....

While in Coz, I was hoping to go to chankanaab park to look around anyway (plus I hear they have a Parrot show, my wife and I have a Severe Macaw, so we thought we might check that out)... While there, maybe I can poke around a bit, maybe get to know one of the workers there a bit, (I'm a saltwater fish enthusast, with a reef tank and a FOWLR tank [fish only with live rock]) so maybe I can strike up a conversation with someone, get the "real" scoop on just how they treat the dolphins....

I'm not sure how I can express my view's about animals in written format, but I'll give it a go....

I'm a christain (lutheran to be exact) and was always taught that God gave man "dominion" over the worlds animals. Animals are to be used for our purposes, but not mistreated....

I fish, and I hunt (when I have time), so I am by no means an "Animal Rights Activist"... We have right now a Dog (rottweiler, did you guess?), a bird (Severe Macaw), and numerous fish and corals in my Reef and Fish Only tanks....

It's not soley the fact that the dolphins are kept in captivity that turns me off on this, I keep many animals in captivity in my house after all.

The biggest thing that disturbed me, was the local Coz. News Paper's report about the dolphins not getting appropriate medical care by qualified Vets, and the manner in which they were transported.

I don't wish my thread to turn into one of those nasty threads you sometimes see out there on the net, you know the one's I'm talking about....

So... that is why I'm going to see for myself, with my own eyes, and then make a choice and share it with you, and my reasons.

After all, I don't want this to be our last trip to Coz! I want this to be our FIRST!

Thanks again all for the reponses!

P.S. Awsome pictures btw, those are great for being from one of those cheepie disposable cams!
Rottie, just be sure to post a trip report when you get back, OK?

Oh, and of course, have a great time.

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