I dove the right cove at Ft. Wetherill early this morning with gfisher4792 and we had a very nice dive despite that whole popsicle feeling It was a balmy 52F on the bottom, where we did not stay long. Tide was way low, water was glassy calm, and I'd rather not think about the air temperature. The water in my boots was steaming after the dive. We saw: a lobster, spider crabs, green crabs, various hydrozoan things, and a really cool tube worm buried in the mud. A few little cunner were around but no bigger fish. Vis was maybe 10' and there wasn't a noticable thermocline. All in all a very nice short cold dive
So where were all you guys huh? Scared of a little frost?:11: Too cold for ya?
So where were all you guys huh? Scared of a little frost?:11: Too cold for ya?