I figured I'd leave a bit of an informal review here. I've had a D630 as my primary light since I took apprentice cave about 1.5-2 years ago. All things considered, it's been a decent light for the cost in that time. However, I had a critical issue recently when I was taking my IANTD Helitrox course (I think they call it advanced recreational trimix plus, a bit of a mouthful) and dove to approximately 170 feet. On the slow ascent, at maybe 155 feet, the light suddenly shut off with no warning. I switched to one of several backups, but realized the severity of the problem after surfacing. When I was disassembling my gear, I found out the the canister for the D630 had completely flooded and the battery was basically FUBAR. This was surprising since it's supposedly rated for 150m (on the website), and I had relatively recently replaced all the O-rings. I happened to have a 2nd battery for the D630, and that worked at first, but also ended up flooding at only ~60 feet partway into my next dive at Peacock after replacing O-rings again.
All that being said, I'm now ordering a Dive Rite primary light so I can have more peace of mind while cave diving.
All that being said, I'm now ordering a Dive Rite primary light so I can have more peace of mind while cave diving.