Orca Bait April dive

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Lakewood, WA
We're meeting at Les Davis in Tacoma at 10 am on April 23rd. This is a good dive site for beginners and we hope to see you all out for diving and fellowship! I drive a yellow Xterra with the plates 'LNXGEEK'... I'm fairly hard to miss. :)

If there's any interest, we could all go for pizza or whatever afterwards at Katie Downs, too.

See you all there!

We're meeting at Les Davis in Tacoma at 10 am on April 23rd. This is a good dive site for beginners and we hope to see you all out for diving and fellowship! I drive a yellow Xterra with the plates 'LNXGEEK'... I'm fairly hard to miss. :)

If there's any interest, we could all go for pizza or whatever afterwards at Katie Downs, too.

See you all there!

Wish I could make it! I'm using up a few week's 'allotment' of dive time away from the family this weekend in my AOW class. Hopefully I can catch up with everyone again for May's dive (if not sooner).


I'll be there around 9:30 to splash at 10:00.

I'll be there around 9:30 to splash at 10:00.
I was thinking more of a "meet at 10, 10:30 splash" kinda deal. Do you have a commitment later in the day? If so, I can get there at 9:30! :) Glad you can make it!

How tide sensitive is Les Davis?
It is neither tide nor current sensitive. It's the default dive site for heavy current days down here. :)

I'll be there at 10 a.m. Thanks for setting it up.

Let me know if this is the correct directions, as I got it from shorediving.com and I have never been to Les Davis:

The Les Davis Pier is located in Perce County (WA) in the city of Tacoma near the Dalco Passage. Take I-5 to Hwy 705, exit northwest to Ruston Way and follow it past the old fire boat station to the Les Davis Pier.


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