Open letter to boat dive masters

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Neither a DM or boat operator has a magical detector to know who did and did not make a mistake and who does and does not want their gear checked, even a simple valve check. There are usually plenty of people on the boat and you can never judge a book by its cover so they say. I agree.

If you want to get your panties in a bunch because the DM checked your valve then you need to learn some communication skills and when you book the boat then when you board the boat, please pull the DM to the side and nicely ask them to please not check your valve. Tell them that no disrespect but you don't like having your stuff touched. Real simple. Tell them that up front.

If you fail to do the above then quit your whiny ass bitching pathetic complaining. Communication is key to every aspect of life.
Open Letter to Boat Owners/Charter Owners:

Dear Esteemed Sirs and Ma'am,

Please hire some hot honeys to be dive masters. I don't wish to be pawed by fat dudes even though their intentions are entirely honorable.

Be careful what you wish!
I want an excellent divemaster. I could not care any less how they look.
Be careful what you wish!
I want an excellent divemaster. I could not care any less how they look.

I think it is safe to say that most people that read his post will see it as a joke and not as a serious request per se. I certainly did.
While I don't mind the check (didn't you and your buddy do one?), please do not speak to me in a condescending voice because you feel my set-up may be wrong... you too might have something to learn...
Be careful what you wish!
I want an excellent divemaster. I could not care any less how they look.

Better yet, how about a little beefcake eye candy for us gals!
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I think it is safe to say that most people that read his post will see it as a joke and not as a serious request per se. I certainly did.

Yeeesssssss, ScubaSteve, I understood it was a joke...

The sad fact is, though, that operators DO get it in their heads that the hot honeys (of both genders) are better than solid DMs. And that's a mistake!
I think it is safe to say that most people that read his post will see it as a joke and not as a serious request per se. I certainly did.

Perhaps, but it did bring up valid and conflicting concerns. It is not in the best interest of divers, boat operators, or DMs for someone to enter the water with their primary cylinder valve off. The same is true for an inoperable gas supply system.

I suspect that there is a method that all concerns can be satisfied, if not made better off.
Neither a DM or boat operator has a magical detector to know who did and did not make a mistake and who does and does not want their gear checked, even a simple valve check. There are usually plenty of people on the boat and you can never judge a book by its cover so they say. I agree.

If you want to get your panties in a bunch because the DM checked your valve then you need to learn some communication skills and when you book the boat then when you board the boat, please pull the DM to the side and nicely ask them to please not check your valve. Tell them that no disrespect but you don't like having your stuff touched. Real simple. Tell them that up front.

If you fail to do the above then quit your whiny ass bitching pathetic complaining. Communication is key to every aspect of life.

Wow this thread has really gotten crazy and has a lot of opinions
I just want to comment one thing. First the dm did not win my confidence by his inability to complete a basic boat handling task ( launch the boat) I was not wowed by his knowledge of scuba and the impression I received was not one of skill and knowledge but of a ( talker). The only proof i had that he was a DM was that he said he was. I was not confident that he'd was competent to handle my gear. Rather than make a big deal of his obvious lacking all I simply said was I checked my gear and I am good to go and please don't touch it I have it. He stood there and had watched me breath both regs inflate and deflate the wing and then still stuck his hand in my gear. And goodness sakes there were only two of us on the boat so it was not like he could not have noticed.

so where does a DM/shop feel that they have a liability concern when a certified diver hires a boat
shows his proof of training beyond the skill for the needed dive
after having at least two more advance dives the day before ( he brought them up so he knew where we were diving )
and says please don't do a safety check on my gear I have checked it

how would they be liable if I did something stupid?

my irritation was I asked politely, " please don't do that, please don't touch my gear" at that point he should have backed off and we all would have been fine.

if I demonstrate competence and ask to be left alone then leave me alone and this was not a shop rule issue as the Dm the day before had no issue and we all had a great time
Divemasters don't get a script in dive master school for this. The captain said,check every diver before they enter the water...Diver number 15 approaches swim step:

"Can I help you put your fins on?" "Do you need me to get your camera?" "Who is your buddy?" "Show me your SPG and take two breaths off of your reg, good... When you are ready, take a giant stride and then give me a big OK at the surface and enjoy your dive."

If air is off, have the buddy turn it on. If the buddy is in the water, ask if the diver wants help sorting out the problem-Tic toc... buddy is in the water and there are four divers lined up behind you.


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