Originally posted by Green_Manelishi
I like it !!!
Next up will be on-line DRIVING courses, followed by on-line
firearms safety and hunting courses. No supervised practical application necessary ... just P(ut) A(nother) D(ollar) I(n) and
you are good-to-go.
Funny you should mention that, I recently did traffic school on the internet. What a freakin' joke!
I've taught both PADI and NAUI courses using ONLY home study and I'll never do it again. So much is lost when the instructor is there to fill in details and explain nuance. The written tests really only test a small sample of the knowledge needed, so the instructor needs to make sure his students understand the subject matter. I spent so much remedial time with those classes that I should have just done it the "normal" way. IMO the home study only supplements my class presentations. I have WAY more knowledge than the OW manuals, and that's why I'm there. Besides a healthy dose of ego, of course.