<Edited to note that I originally thought the family member themselves had posted on here - ignore everything written to them, I’m going to leave it in case they ever find their way here.
@telemonster thanks for updating the post!>
You have given us a greater gift than you could possibly know... we have so many fatalities and we so rarely find out what caused them. The vast majority of deaths of deaths in Diving are due to diver error of one sort or another - an error that on a different day, or with a different buddy, Or with a buddy, or without buddy, or with any other minuscule difference, would make for a far different outcome.
You explained what happened. It sounds like your uncle may not have been monitoring his PPO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) as diligently as he should have while they were looking for the scooter part, and he passed out. It would have been like he just went to sleep. And I can certainly understand your aunts reaction. There’s only so much control we have over our emotional reactions.
the reason this is so important to be shared is that it reiterates how important the lessons we learn in our very first rebreather class are. Your aunt and uncle were by all accounts very experienced and well-trained divers, and if your uncle could fall into the trap of focusing more on find a lost scooter part than on monitoring his PPO2, then
so could each and every one of us.
there should be no talk of “natural selection” or anything similar on here- if there is, please hit the report button and it will be addressed immediately. Please note, we generally discourage family members from reading these threads, because there often is quite a bit of speculation that can feel antagonistic towards the deceased when it is not meant as such. As divers, we know this sport can be risky, and most of the people who frequent this part of the board are doing so in order to take away lessons others have learned.
again, our most sincere thanks for sharing the results of the investigation with us. I add my condolences to the many others who have expressed them, it sounds like your aunt and uncle were exceptional divers and people.