Thanks again everyone. Especially thanks to Tim for maintaining that website which is a good reference resource. I also used your guide on attaching a pocket to my wetsuit, which btw, once i got used to, i thought it doesn't even begin to compare with having pockets on the BC, nothing like a clutter-free harness.
After reading everyone's comments, i think the XL size makes the most sense; i was just a little bit apprehensive since many have repeated in other threads that JFs present problems only when used with hard sole boots and i'm definitely not willing to go back to soft soles which i only used for a few times at the very beginning and hated (foot cramps constantly).
Thanks also for the DVD recommendation. One question about that: there's an "intro to rec" and an "intro to tech", is it safe to assume to that the latter includes much of the former and just buy that?
Nice to see, btw, that the "acting-as-clown-for-the-SO" phenomenon is widespread. Just yesterday i installed a couple of XS Scuba pockets onto my DSS and paraded for a minute or two checking it out in the mirror. Needless to say, my enthusiasm was not shared! TSandM, isn't your husband a diver? How is it that you face the same problem?