Our first dive took us to Andrea I, which was a complete surprise to me. I hadn't expected anything special there, but we ended up spotting 3 turtles, 2 big midnight parrot fish, 3 octopus, 1 Tarpon, 1 ocean trigger fish and loads of other stuff.
After our dive we drove to Elle's for take away sandwiches which we used for lunch overlooking the sea at Larry's Lair.
We planned to do our second dive of the day there, but the wave action was a bit beyond my comfort level. We drove around hoping to finds some other spot, but there where either too much waves or too much people

We ended up at the Salt Peer, but also there we decided the wave action was too much for us. One thing of interest we noted was that there was no more sign saying that it is forbidden to dive there...
We drove back north and dove our second dive of the day on Oil Slick Leap. Always fun!
One problem we hadn't counted on was an abundance of jelly fish. After I was stung by them twice, i had it with diving. No third dive...
After our showers and Gin Tonics, we went over to The Hut where we met up with some friends who where having their last day. We ordered Pizza's from Pasa Bon Pizza and went back to BBB somewhere in the small hours...