OMS Redundant Wings

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Wilson, NC
First off, I'd like to say hi...I just discovered this board and so far it seems pretty good. As for my question...

I was wondering if anyone had experience with the OMS Redundant wings? (One bladder inside the other) If so, what do you think about them? Quality? Durability? Any improvements you would like to see? I'm going to be getting a new rig in a few months, and the OMS wings really appeal to me. Any comments? Thanks.
Hi ElectricZombie:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe..........................Arduous

Oh yah ...... OMS make a good product :)
First, Howdy from Texas and we're glad you've joined us.

Second, a slight correction. The OMS wing you're speaking of is not "one bladder inside of the other". Inside of the codura shell are two bladders one on top of the other. And each has it's own corrugated inflator hose.

I dive with the OMS 45# bungee wing and really enjoy it. It performs better than advertised (IMO) and on my first dive I was able to achieve some of the best trim ever with regards to head up or head down.

At this time I'm not using the double bladder wing since I'm not qualified to dive doubles, but I know of several divers who are using it. And they are very satisfied with their choice.

As far as improvements, I can't think of any that I would like to see at this time. But there is a new company called Great Underwater (see their ad in Dive Training Magazine) that I want to take a look at. From what I have heard, they have taken OMS's concept to the next logical step and made some interesting improvements.

For more details on the OMS wing and Great Underwater, I can put you in touch with the local sales rep for both, Alec Ranck. Lemme know if you want his e-mail address by sending me a Private Message (the -MSG- button below this post) and I'll send it to ya.

Have fun diving and most of safe!!!!

PS. Be warned, there are a lot of nay sayers to the bungee wing concept. But to date, I have not found any of their objections to be true. I like my wing very much and encourage all divers to take a look at it when they are in need of an upgrade.
Another option is to use two separate wings or a wing and a drysuit.

If you use two separate wings but the higher lift next to the tanks and use it as you primary. (I'll be trying this in May)

Jst out of curiousity - Has anyone ever heard of a wing "popping" or being ripped open? Mine is covered in ballistic Nylon so I'd have to really gouge it to break it. I've heard many stories about ripping drysuits tho.

I'm wondering if we are spending alot of money for a non-problem? (Not to say that there are no advantages to a drysuit beyond the option of an alternate bouyancy device, although I'm trying to think how I could swim with an inflated Dry suit)
Originally posted by Ontario Diver
I'm wondering if we are spending alot of money for a non-problem? (Not to say that there are no advantages to a drysuit beyond the option of an alternate bouyancy device, although I'm trying to think how I could swim with an inflated Dry suit)
That is part of the price of paranoia....
The rest of the price is creating a real hazard....
By *solving* a non-problem....

Anyway... OD I am going to start a thread in your honor....
The image of you trying to swim with and inflated drysuit....
Cracks me up man.... :D
It's an expensive gimmick that attempts to solve a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place :wink: :D. OMS is notorius for gimmick laden equipment, be careful. What kind of diving are you planning on doing? What type of tanks and exposure suit are you using or planning on using?

That should have been "over-inflated" drysuit - a la Michelin Man.

Glad I could make you day tho :)
=-) First Off, and I'll take some flack for this, I have and do use the OMS dual bladder wing FOR OPEN WATER ONLY.

Here are some Observations of my own, pro and con

1. overall build quality is good, better than Dive Rite IMO, but not up there with Halcyon. For specific applications it works for me. The only incedent I've had with it was a pull dump that got hooked to a hose. Easily fixed.

2. Cons. Antiquated design. The hoses are too long. The instructions used to be very vague and the wings were shipped with the bungees installed. With no clear instructions on how to set up the wing for use, accidents and at least one death resulted. Since then the instructions have been re-written, they are shipped without the bungies in place, and a short hose kit is available.

In my opinion, if you can buy only one wing for all diving, get the OMS unbungeed single, 50# lift, short hose installed. Better build quality than Dive Rite, but half the price of Halcyon.

Dive safe
As a wise man once said "OMS makes good tanks"= Bungies...are not needed. So goes Hoogarthian. If you don't really need it, its a potential liability. Carburators too used to be a good idea.But simple is best. Stick with single wings, pure and simple.:bounce: ;-0 :grrr: :psst:

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