I have the 770 camera with the PT-035 housing (please don't try to use this camera without the housing for any real diving depths!) which I got as an adjunct to my big C5050/ikelite rig, and carry it on my BC with one of those expandable snap cords. I use it for those really close macro shots which I cannot easily maneuver my big rig in close to. It doesn't have the picture quality of the C5050 (duh!) but it does fairly well if you stay within its limitations. For example, that macro underwater mode is only usefull up to within about a foot, then it loses focusing ability. You then have to go to supermacro, which is not an underwater mode option. However, I find that this does not matter much, and selecting the supermacro lets you get really close. One nice feature is to select the supermacro with the flashlight option, which is displayed on the viewfinder as such. This activates the little intense spotlight on the front of the camera, which will come on when you push the shutter release down halfway to prefocus, and stay on for the shot to illuminate the picture. The manual prefocus button (for the underwater macro mode) also works pretty well, letting you set the prefocus without having to play with the shutter release. I only used this camera rig on one dive trip so far, and am still getting used to how it operates. It will never replace the C5050, for sure, but it is small and handy for those really close shots, and rides nearly unnoticed from the side of my vest until needed. One tip- I tried to use it without the rubber viewfinder shade screen that comes with it, thinking that I would not need a glare shield at depth. Wrong!! It went back on after I came home and will stay on now. Oh well, part of learning the ropes, so to say. I have another trip coming in early August, and will shake this little camera out some more then. Woody