Old Marineland (Terranea Resort) Mtg

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Lakewood, CA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
September 17, 2005

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, October 4, 2005, at 7:00 PM at Hesse Park Community Building, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, to consider:

LONG POINT RESORT HOTEL: ZON2005-00482 (REVISION ‘C’ TO COASTAL PERMIT NO. 166, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 215, GRADING PERMIT NO. 2229, VARIANCE NO. 489, AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 26073): A request to amend the adopted Conditions of Approval to clarify the parking requirements as it relates to valet parking, the number of permitted compact spaces, and the minimum parking stall dimensions.

In addition to the above, the applicant is requesting the City Council review the following plans in accordance to adopted Conditions of Approval:

1. Water Quality Management Plan (Condition No. 171) 2. Public Amenities Plan and Public Trails Plan (Condition Nos. 62 and 70) 3. Uniform Sign Program (Condition No. 86)

Pursuant to Condition No. 18, the project approvals shall expire 24-months from the date of the City Council approval (October 5, 2003), unless a time extension is granted at a duly noticed public hearing. Accordingly, the applicant requests a one-year time extension extending the project approvals to October 5, 2006.

LOCATION: 6610 PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH (Thomas Guide Page 822/H-5)


All interested parties are invited to submit written comments and to attend and give testimony. If you wish to submit written comments, please provide them to the Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement. Public Comments received by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 will be included in the City Council Staff Report. Written comments submitted after September 27th will be given to the City Council on the night of the meeting.

The applications and plans are on file with the Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement Department at City Hall, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho Palos Verdes, and are available for review between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM, Mondays through Thursdays, and 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM on Fridays. Please contact Ara Michael Mihranian, Senior Planner, at (310) 544-5228 or via e-mail at aram@rpv.com for further information.

____________________________ Joel Rojas, AICP Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement

NOTE: STATE GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65009 NOTICE: If you challenge this application in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes at, or prior to, the public hearing.
City staff occasionally posts other important non-emergency information on the Breaking News page of the City’s website located at: http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/breakingnews

Be sure to go to the List Server page and subscribe to receive email messages whenever a Breaking News article is posted to the City’s website. You can join at: http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/listserver
I hope to see several of you there as the parking at the resort is an important issue for us.
What was the upshot on this for those of us that were unable to attend?

I attended the meeting last night. Mr. Robert Lowe himself was present representing Lowes Development along with a whole host of supporting staff filling almost 1/3 of the available seats.

To me being present at the city council meetings is important, we can raise issues there and get them discussed. Then if we are unsuccessful we still have another swing at it with the California Costal Commission. But so far, I do not see any real issues. Looks like it will be a first class operation that is designed to be user friendly to the public at large as well as resort guest.

I will be receiving the public access details later today. One significant change is the parking lot will be further away than it is now. That is necessary to accommodate the paved ramp which will be ADA compliant down to the cobble stone beach with a slope of not more than 1:12. So the walk will be longer but the slope much gentler. There will be bathrooms; showers, changing room’s restaurants and sandwich bars open to the public.

The Palos Verde Estates City Council is doing an excellent job as Stewarts of the coastline and desire to preserve its beauty while at the same time relishing the $3,000,000 in expected hotel tax. When I spoke on an issue as a concerned citizen, albeit not from PV, they listened, and discussed it. They even asked for my input as a SCUBA diver on where the showers would best be placed.

In case any of you are interested this is by no means a done deal. The California Costal Commission still has to sign off on everything. Mr Lowe is spending a lot of money to make this a good neighbor friendly site. But he also indicated they are running close to that magic number of economic viability. Current plans call for filtering and treatment of 100% of any runoff generated from the property in the dry season. During the rainy season, they will treat and filter any runoff from a storm with rainfall not exceeding 0.4 inches per hour which is suppose to account for 80% of our rainfall. Over that amount of rainfall per hour, there will be untreated runoff going into the ocean. They are also not treating runoff coming from off site. But then that is not being treated now so I guess that is fair.

There will be a survey taken of the marine environment before construction starts. Lowes (Mr. Lowe himself and his attorney) reaffirmed we will continue to have access to dive at Old Marineland during the construction except during brief periods (months I bet) when they judge it too dangerous such as while building and grading the path down to the water.
Thanks for the report, Melvin.

It looks like they are really interested in keeping the public happy. It would make economic sense to endear themselves to the public on environmental and access issues. Everything you've mentioned sounds very reasonable.

With all that they are doing, this may become a great place to have a Wrinkles Dive at some point in the future.

Have they mentioned anything about having some BBQ facilities for the public at large? It may not make sense as it might compete with their own concessions. I guess we'll see.

Picnic tables will be provided. I don't recall BBQ facilities being mentioned. I will have the full plan in my possesion this week.
Hey Melvin, maybe you could suggest they install a webcam at the cove so we will all know the conditions 24/7
For 24/7 that would be a webcam with some really good lights, right? :D

You mean they aren't going to light up the cove at night? :(
Nah...then the Mantas would come and everyone would get scared. You'll have to keep bringing your own artificial sun, MBT, and we'll just follow YOU around with the cam :D .

Bonus: Then we'll get to see more sealions, too.
Up close.
Big ones.
And their teeth:scared:

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