ol' blue to karpata

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Does anybody know if it is possible to do ol' blue to karpata on one tank if you stay fairly shallow?
Well, that's about 6000 ft, estimated from Google Earth. On average, swimming comfortably, folks swim about 50-100 ft in a minute, so that's 60 to 120 minutes, with no current. Relaxed, near the surface, your AL80 probably lasts 90-120 minutes, but swimming I'd say half to 2/3 that, so 45-80 minutes. So without knowing how fast you swim, or your surface air compsumption (SAC), I'd say that swimming from Ol' Blue to Karpata is possible, but not a sure thing. If the current is with you, it is more of a sure thing. If the current is against you, you are not likely to get there. And there is no good place to exit until you get to Karpata. I personally would not do it without someone in a boat with me, or some shore support.
Sling a 2nd tank, verify current is favorable, and enjoy.
Does anybody know if it is possible to do ol' blue to karpata on one tank if you stay fairly shallow?
Possible? Perhaps. But if you run out of air you'll be swimming on the surface with your scuba unit all the way to Karpata or back to Ol' Blue. The ironshore is steep and rugged in that area. Exiting the water mid-way and walking back to your vehicle isn't an option like it is at the southern sites.

Some folks like to make a giant stride entry at La Dania's Leap and exit north at Karpata. It's along the same section of reef and is a much shorter distance (about 1/3 or less of the distance between Ol' Blue and Karpata.)
That's a good idea to sling a second tank. I'm trying to do rappel without rappelling or boating.
That's a good idea to sling a second tank. I'm trying to do rappel without rappelling or boating.
Wish you'd said that in the first place! Rappel deserves an hour all by itself. Best dive on the island, in my opinion. Take a boat to it, enjoy the dive.
Rappel from the boat is an AWESOME dive!! If you can get up there via a $25 one tank trip, do it!!!

I can't imagine how little you would see given how much ground you'd need to cover in order to make it going from Ol Blue to Karpata. Also, we did La Dania to Karpata and had the current going the wrong way - so even though we made it, it wasn't a relaxed drift it was more of an insistent kick. It was however a killer dive too, and I personally thought the wall at both Rappel and La Dania we're awesome at around 40-60fsw IIRC. This was our favorite area along with Forest on Klein, and the double reefs down south.

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