the jibes were not leveled at the anatomy... but at the title. I'm sorry, but no man wrote that title... we just found it funny. With all of the emphasis in America that bigger is better, we found this to be contradictive to the status quo and thus funny.
However, IF there are specific posts that do cross the line, please refer them (the url) to me and I will check them out. We do not play a double standard here. On the other hand, if you would rather a female check them out, then please refer them to any of the female regulators.
We do our best to be prudish on this board... as our daughters or sons may someday read what we have written. Other than some gentle inuendo, we will not allow content of a graphic or obscene nature... male or female. Please consult your TOS if there are any doubts. Heck, we don't allow downright meanness either! We have pulled and edited posts (even yours, I believe) for their graphic content in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future. AND it doesn't matter if you are male or female... NO DOUBLE STANDARD!!!