Good to meet you all finally . I have been reading the posts here for quite some time , and learning what I can from you all . I begin my PADI o/w checkout dives tomorrow morning and am very very excited to pick up the sport of diving .
I've heard ALOT of pro and con about PADI training . I must say for the most part my personal experience with PADI has been pretty good , though only conditional. Had I gone into this course without any prior knowledge or personal motivation to read up on other diving courses , learn all I can about gear malfunction , the importance of redundancy , and practiced all of the skills i could without actually using scuba gear ( such as free swimming , mask removal , donning and doffing gear , etc) I would in light of what ive learned , feel VERY unprepared for even light recreational excursions.
On that note I would like to thank you all for your in depth opinions on , well , EVERYTHING . Your advice to others has been very helpful , and i look forward to more of it in the future.
If any of you in the arkansas/kansas/missouri/oklahoma 4 state area are ever interested in trying out a dive partner , I wont have my full time partner till my wife gets trained next spring . send me an email
I've heard ALOT of pro and con about PADI training . I must say for the most part my personal experience with PADI has been pretty good , though only conditional. Had I gone into this course without any prior knowledge or personal motivation to read up on other diving courses , learn all I can about gear malfunction , the importance of redundancy , and practiced all of the skills i could without actually using scuba gear ( such as free swimming , mask removal , donning and doffing gear , etc) I would in light of what ive learned , feel VERY unprepared for even light recreational excursions.
On that note I would like to thank you all for your in depth opinions on , well , EVERYTHING . Your advice to others has been very helpful , and i look forward to more of it in the future.
If any of you in the arkansas/kansas/missouri/oklahoma 4 state area are ever interested in trying out a dive partner , I wont have my full time partner till my wife gets trained next spring . send me an email