Ogden Point (Aug. 3, 2009) photos including China rockfish

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Very nice Mark thanks for sharing.

Is that amount/variety of life normal for Ogden?

Pretty much. Sometimes I see more. I didn't visit the group of vermilion rockfish that day. I didn't see any Puget Sound king carabs. Sometimes the fish are hiding around the rocks instead of schooling so they aren't always as obvious. Some people say it's all the same, but I find more life at the last section of the breakwater compared to closer in.
Oh, I am so envious . . . China rockfish is still on my "to be seen" list.

What a fabulous dive, with octopuses and fish-eating octopuses and wolf eels! Thanks for sharing the pictures (I always enjoy your reports, although I don't always post in response to them).
yeah swank.. you provide amazing photos.

If i were to try and plan a dive to odgen could you be our guide?
It would depend on the date. I'll be pretty tied up on a course from the end of Aug to mid Oct. Most of the time I follow the same profile when I dive Ogden:
I walk out to just past the second corner. I go down to the bottom of the slope (75-80 feet deep) and swim out towards the end for about 1000 psi. This is where I see the Vermilion rockfish, yelloweye rockfish and many of the tigers. I then swim up to about 50-60 feet and swim back towards the second corner. This is where most of the wolf eel dens are. That's also the depth where I saw the China rockfish. After visiting with the wolf eels, I go back up to the kelp in the shallows and swim back as far as I can to save myself a long walk back.

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