If they were shooting it to mark the position of the body for recovery (tied off), or to indicate a problem (not tied off), it's possible it would dump and sink... sometimes my self-sealing SMB looks like it's having a conniption with the strange currents we get in Puerto Galera
Who cares
I do not mean this personally, but if anyone thinks that it is acceptable to tie off your SMB to mark your buddy's body, and continue your dive.........
I am usually pretty accepting of almost anybody as a buddy, once, but if I had the chance to buddy with a diver with an attitude like that..... :shocked2:
Also the story seemed to indicate that this "Buddy" w/o real buddies, was somehow miraculously, not yet dead.

chennai: Not saying you were trolling, but regular posters on SB have learned that it is wise to look more closely at first posts, as we do get deliberate
You say you have an interest, and if so, it never hurts to ask. If you are interested in exploring the more tech oriented areas of the sport there are sure some great people on this board who will gladly answer your questions. Simply state your interest, and I am sure you will get a response.
The problem was that the story you posted has a lot of very questionable pieces to it, that send up red flags, and invite the "bs" label.