Odd issue lately with read threads

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Studio City, CA, USA
# of dives
200 - 499
I've noticed for about a week now that in my user CP, threads that I have read (posted in, in fact) have still been bolded (unread), even when I am the one who did the last post! This is a fairly new phenomenon... in the past, once I read/post, threads were not bolded (ie containing unread posts) in my CP. Is something wrong, or has something changed? I am looking at threads I read around 9am this morning (and a couple of times thereafter) that are still bolded, and it's past noon.

This thread, for instance, I posted at 9:42 am, and have gone back in several times since (because it was bold): http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=186587
... is STILL bold. What's the dealio?

Not a huge deal, but in case it gets worse I thought I'd mention it...
Happens to me all the time, has for years. Even happens if I have SB open on two windows, reading one thread on one and others on the other.
I've seen it before, but never this bad or this consistently. In the past it has been transient. This has been going on all week.

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