Octopus for use with Poseidon Xstream

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Saratoga, NY
I need an octo to use with a poseidon xstream dive. I'd rather not spend a bunch of cash on second stage that will for the most part simply hang off my BC? Is there any reason I cannot use a poseidon Odin, or some other cheaper octo?

Any suggestions would be appreciated (I'm a newbie!)
I use an Xstream and I was told you need to use the Xstream octo with it. That is what I use but very pricey.
Hi djg21,

......I believe the Odin 2nd stage would be compatable with your Xstream 1st stage...... the main thing is that the recommended IP (intermediate pressure) of whatever 2nd stage you use be in the same 'range' as that of the Xstreme 2nd stage......I think the Odin 2nd stage operates at the same IP as the Xstream 2nd stage.

I'd advise you to not use a 'non-Poseidon' 2nd stage as an octo...it's a long story, in a nutshell, Poseidon's have some unique design/operating features that are incompatable with 'conventional' regulators.......stick with an Odin 'octo'.

Thanks for the input!

Where can I find the IPs for the various Poseidon second stages (jetstream/xstream)? I haven't had any luck on Poseidon's website, or in any of the reviews? What is the appropriate "range" I should be satisfied with?

Thanks again!
Hi djg21,

...I'm looking at a recent Poseidon product catalog, they've got the Jetstream listed with an IP of 138 psi...and the Xstream with an IP of 123 psi. My Jetstream owner's manual says IP is 123--130 psi. I don't own an Xstream, so of course I don't have an owner's manual for that. I believe I've read the Jetstream IP is supposed to be 145 psi, but I can't remember the source.

I'd recommend asking a local Poseidon dealer your question, or perhaps starting a new thread asking about the recommended IP of Xstream versus Jetstream.

I'm using Xstream Dive with 2nd stage of Jetstream/Odin as Octo without any problems - they fit to each other.
Our local dealer selling Poseidon's full face mask with 1st stage of Xstream and 2nd of Jetstream to our Seals. Only thing you need, is to change slightly IP in order to adjust resistance of 2nd stage.

I believe the upper end of an Odin, and probable the xstream, can't remember, is 150 psi. Most Octos will be fine with this and you can adjust the octo slightly so it is less likely to freeflow. Just have the shop do it for you.
There isn't anything too tricky about poseidons and adding different second stages. One thing to think about though, if you are using an xstream are you doing anything deep or technical? If you are you want an octo that is able to deliver a lot of air in an emergency. Using a poseidon jetstream would be ideal as it would match easily, deliver a lot of air and can be breathed from either position.

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