Ocotal Beach Resort ... Excellent!

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vicinity Washington, DC
# of dives
100 - 199
My wife and I spent 5 days diving at Ocotal Beach Resort in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica in July 2008. The resort is very comfortable with beautiful views of the Pacific coast. The dive shop on the premises is excellent. It is staffed by well-qualified DMs, boat captains and crew. The boats are fairly spartan, but in good shape. They carry 12 or so divers. Comfort is OK and there is plenty of shade.

I enjoyed the diving. There are many dive sites within 30 minutes of the resort. No long transits. Viz was never less than 50 feet. It's not Bonaire, but it's good. The aquatic life was plentiful. Water temp is a 75-80 degrees. Depth vary between 40 feet and 80 feet. We had to contend with currents occasionally, but anyone in decent shape will have no problem.

We liked Ocotal Resort so much that we are returning this December for a week of diving.
Were there any walls or swim throughs since that is what I love. I have avoided CR since I was under the impression there were no walls there
We didn't dive walls or swim-throughs. There are none at the local dive sites near Playa de Ocotal where Ocotal Beach Resort is located. There might be these features at Catalina Island or the Bat Islands, but both are an hour or more transit. You would have to arrange in advance if diving from Ocotal area. I suspect there are other CR dive ops that make regular trips to these sites. Ask around scubaboard.

Good luck.

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