OceanLog with VT3

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Has anyone had an issues when trying to read from their DC using OceanLog (v 2.1.2, 2.1.3, and Beta 2.1.4) When ever I connect my VT3 and then initiate a read from it, it reboots the DC and errors out. I can upload any change to the DC and i even get the serial number from the DC but can not read settings or logs from it. I have called Oceanic a couple time and have gotten nowhere.

Any help would be appreciated.
I've had a similar issue once, only once and a reboot of the computer solved it for me. I'm not sure what happened, or why it works now.
When my computer rebooted it went from showing a fly time of x:xx to like it was first turned on. Is this something yours did too?

PS, if you do know what you did to stop it a posting would be best instead of a PM because others may have run into this and they wouldn't know what the fix is because the solution wasn't posted. Just a statement saying I had it and now I don't. If you disappear the info goes away.

Just a thought as to why I believe you should post the solution instead of a PM. I'd post but as I said it happened one time and a reboot fixed it.
Thanks for the help but i figured it out. They changed the way a few things worked from 2.0.x to 2.1.x and i just needed to do things a little different.

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