Oceanlog on same computer for 2 divers?

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Atlanta, GA
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0 - 24
Can 2 divers in one household, both with Atom 2.0's, use the Oceanlog 2.x software on the same computer? How?
You can create a new log by:

a) TOP LEFT of screen - selecting "Log Book" then "New Log" OR
b) click on the second icon from the left along the top of the screen

To switch between users:
a) TOP LEFT of screen - selecting "Log Book" then "Open Log" OR
b) click on the third icon from the left along the top of the screen
Yep, what he said! I have separate dive logs for my son and I on the same computer, running the same version of Oceanlog.
:D No problem. I happened to be working on my log at the time.

By the way, if i can suggest the following:

Make the number pad (right section of keyboard) work when entering tank/gas information.

The number pad works in all other fields BUT those. So it makes me use the horizontal row of numbers along the top. It's clumsy :p
You can create a new log by:

a) TOP LEFT of screen - selecting "Log Book" then "New Log" OR
b) click on the second icon from the left along the top of the screen

To switch between users:
a) TOP LEFT of screen - selecting "Log Book" then "Open Log" OR
b) click on the third icon from the left along the top of the screen
That works! Simple when you know how, huh?
Be sure to back up the logs from time to time just in case :)

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